Chapter 9 - The Chunin Exams

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"That hurt you little punk." the male said as he hemmed him up in the air by his shirt.

Naruto sized the guy up as he grinned viciously at his minion. He was wearing a black, baggy, full body suit with a red and yellow circle on the front. He had a black hood that covered his head completely and had what looked like cat ears on it. His forehead protector on his forehead and sported a triangular face-paint designed that looked like make-up. He wore black, fingerless gloves and carried a bundled object on his back. Unknown to others, the guy was wearing a traditional bunraku puppeteer costume, that usually consisted of black outfits and hoods so the bunraku puppeteer could not distract their opponent from their puppets. However, to Naruto, he looked like an overgrown cat.

"Come on, Kankurō. Just put the kid down before he catches you." the female said she looked around.

"Gomenasai, I was just fooling around." Sakura apologized as she looked at the two people warily. She could tell that they were strong based off the aura they gave off.

Naruto continued to stare at the guy until a dopey grin found its way onto his face. "You might want to listen to the girl, kitty-chan. The kid you're threatening is the Hokage's grandson you know." he said cheekily.

A tick mark formed on Kankuro's face as he turned to glare at the blonde boy. 'So these are Konoha's genin.....' the boy thought to himself as his eyes finally landed on Naruto. He was a short boy wearing an ugly bright orange jumpsuit and had whisker marks on his face. His eyes sparked with mischief and he had a stupid grin on his face. In other words, the runt looked like an idiot.

Kankuro narrowed his eyes at the genin. "You want to try to do something about, you little pipsqueak." Kankuro growled out, earning a tick mark from Naruto. "Perhaps I'll deal with you next after I finish playing with this runt, before the strict one comes around." he said turning back to Konohamaru with a grin.

The girl looked annoyed, but didn't say anything else to him.

"Let go!" Konohamaru said as he squirmed to get free of his grasp.

"You're pretty lively, you little punk." he said with a vicious grin.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the puppeteer. Whether he realized it or not, the fact that he dismissed the comment about him being the Hokage's son already sent him red flags. The Leaf and the Sand were supposed to be allies. In case of a Sand shinobi attacking the son of a Hokage, it would be a diplomatic dispute and lead to possible war. Surely this make-up wearing freak had to know that if he was here for what Naruto thought he was here for. Before he could move to act, a rock struck Kankuro's hand, making him drop the child on the ground.

"Huh?" Kankuro grunted out before he turned to the source of the launched object.

In the tree, tossing another rock was another kid. His dark side bangs shaded his face as he sat on the branch of he tree coolly. He wore a headband with a leaf insignia engraved in the metal plate and wore a blue high-collared shirt with shorts and blue sandals. Sakura had hearts in her eyes as she looked up and saw who it was. While everyone was looking at the raven-haired newcomer, Naruto was staring at the other side of the tree. He could sense that there was someone watching in hiding there and he had a feeling of who it was.

"What do you think you're doing in someone else's village, you." he said smoothly.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura fangirled.

Naruto ignored his teammates and his eyes traveled over the Sand kunoichi who was lightly blushing as she stared up at Sasuke. She had sandy blonde hair that was gathered into four consecutive ponytails and had teal eyes. Her outfit consisted of a single light purple, off-the-shoulders garment that extended half way down her thighs, with a scarlet sash tied around her waist. In addition to the fishnet she wore over her shoulder and legs (specifically on her right calf and left thigh), she also wore a black forehead protector around her neck. She looked around 15 years old and seemed to be developing nicely.

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