Chapter 39 - A Nick of Time

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"What?!" Naruto exclaimed before pointing an accusatory finger at the Sannin. "You were totally excited by a lame tactic like a woman winking at you! You shouldn't be the one to try acting all suave and cool, you Pervy Sage!" he said, turning red.

Jiraiya sheepishly scratched the back of his head as he looked down at his apprentice. "Like I said, don't call me that in front of people." he said.

This caused a tick mark to form on Naruto head. "Be quiet!" he yelled with his hands thrown into the air. "You were supposed by be back an hour ago! While you were off gallivanting with some woman, I was stuck here nearing the taste of death!"

He then turned an pointed at Itachi and Kisame who was just staring at the idiot duo. "And most importantly these people aren't normal, Pervy Sage!" he exclaimed. "Didya hear me, Ero-Sennin?!"

"Like I said, don't call me 'Pervy Sage'!" Jiraiya exclaimed, offended that his student had the audacity to embarrass him like this.

Another tick mark formed on Naruto's head. 'Is that seriously the only thing he thought about after all that I said?!' he thought. Itachi and Kisame just stared at the two. They were definitely a special duo.

"Hm. You are, after all, Master Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin." Kisame said, interrupting the two. "I didn't believe that I'd be able to stop you so easily, despite the fact that you are a huge womanizer."

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed, feigning ignorance. "You know the true identity of Pervy Sage?!"

"Well no, that's not necessarily who I really am." Jiraiya commented as he looked at the swordsman.

"Seems like you released the genjutsu that we had put on that woman." Kisame pointed out.

His words were met by silence. Everyone just looked at each other, seeing who would make the first move. Itachi simply watched as Jiraiya stepped to the side and placed the unconscious woman on the floor with her back resting against the wall. Naruto stole a glance at the woman before returning his attention back to the missing nin in front of him. When his eyes landed on a crippled Sasuke, he inwardly narrowed his eyes. He honestly wasn't expecting the boy to be here, let alone try to kill his brother.

After everything he had learned that day, one would have thought that their encounter would have been less violent. But than again, hate is an emotion that is hard to get rid of and festered like wound over a long period of time. Throw in the fact that the Uchiha were emotional, despite of their stoic countenance, and you get their current situation. Naruto wanted to sigh. 'Everything will come together in due time.' he thought as his gaze returned to Itachi. 'Hopefully....'

"You shouldn't call yourself a man for using such a cowardly tactic like casting a genjutsu on the woman with your hypnotic eyes to separate me and Naruto." Jiraiya started.

A tick mark threatened to form at the back of Naruto's head at that statement. If he could glare at him, he would. There separation had nothing to do with that woman. It was his own fault that he left. And in his opinion, he didn't think the tactic was cowardly at all. A good shinobi knows their strengths and weaknesses. Hell, if he were put into a situation where his opponent was stronger than him, he would resort to those types of tactics as well. It was called being smart and cutting losses.

"So....." Jiraiya said as he stood and turned to the two missing nin. "Your target is Naruto, after all."

Itachi just stared at the Sannin for a while before speaking. "No wonder Kakashi knew that as well." he stated. "I see clearly now. The information source was you."

"To abduct Naruto is the No. 1 priority placed by our organization, the Akatsuki!" he announced.

Kyubi growled in his cage as he connected to Naruto's senses. 'Something is not right here, kit.' he stated.

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