Chapter 1 - New School

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Harry's POV
I woke up to my alarm going off at 7:00 am "great" I mumbled slowly lifting my body up off of my all of a sudden comfortable bed. I dragged myself to my bathroom turning the tap on before looking at my reflection which surprisingly looked somewhat nice today. Note to self : make sure you wear something nice today.
After brushing my teeth and running a hand through my hair I turned facing my room through the open door taking in how messy it was. Slowly, I walked over the piles of clothes are different trash making it to my wardrobe. I opened it to be greeted with the loud creak of the old wood and rusty hinges I had gotten used to. I examined my clothes before picking out a pair of plain jeans which fit perfectly and a blue nike jumper that went with my plain white shoes. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder before picking up my phone and checking it.

Freezy: Hey boggo! Good luck today from me and the guys (plus Mia)

I smiled looking at the message from my friends. I wish we all still went to the same school but I guess that's my fault not theirs.
I sent a quick 'Thanks guys' before making my way downstairs.

I glanced over to the couch to see my dad once again passed out with bottles and joints littered all over the couch and nearby floor. It had been like this since mum left with Rosie. I was very young and she was pregnant with my brother at the time. I still remember parts of that day mainly my dad yelling at me storming out, it's been that we ever since; he gets home drunk, yells at me and gets more drunk. I'm lucky he only rarely physically hurts me.

I passed through the small living room and made my way to the kitchen grabbing some type of pastry before heading out. "Great" I signed making my way there and mentally preparing my self for a most likely shitty day.

Messed Up - Wroetoshaw / minishaw (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now