Chapter 9 - Hanging out

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Harry's POV
We talked for a little while which was mostly them telling me about the school. About stuff like the different friend groups and who to avoid, to be honest this school is actually quite interesting mostly because of some of the boys I should 'stay away from'.

"And that's it" Josh finished turning to me. "Why should I stay away from Max?" I asked "He takes boys or girls and breaks their heart simple as that, oh and he seems faithful but once you sleep with him he'll turn to next girl or guy he sees" JJ replied "Damn" I say realising that I would be a hypocrite if I said what he did was disgusting, even though it is.

"So is there a football team?" I ask hoping there is. "Yeah, but it's hard to get in it and all the guys in it are dickheads who make us loose the matches, sadly the players are the coaches son and his friends so we couldn't get on it" Ethan says in a slightly annoyed tone "you guys play?" I ask "yeah, I didn't think you would to be honest" Tobi responds "I don't I was just curious" I lie, I was the best player at my old school, I miss playing.

*After school*

"So Harry you coming to mine?" I'm asked by JJ "sure" I respond I don't think about my father and how angry he is going to be but then again who cares.

The house is about medium size and it's lovely on the inside, I could tell his parents had well paying jobs. I step into the living room and see everyone dump their stuff in the corner so I do the same hesitatingly. "It's ok Harry" JJ laughs "just dump your stuff anywhere and make yourself at home". I nod surprised at how kind he is, "JJ do you and your friends want some food?" His mother shouted them all shouting "yes please" back. About two minutes later his mum comes in with a place of food,"JJ who is this?" She says smiling "Harry, his name is Harry mum" JJ responds with food stuffed in his mouth already. She greets me with a smile and says a quick hello before walking out, "so who's up for fifa?" Simon asks Tobi bolting to the console and turning it on.

An hour later I had beaten all of them multiple times and Simon has just given up, turning off the console with a slight smile.

He is probably smiling because he went easy on you so you could win. He's just happy because he did some 'charity work' on you. You can even win with out cheating Harry.

I hate that voice.

*An hour later*

"So Harry we know nothing about you, huh" Ethan says, "I guess so, what do you want to know then?" I reply. I guess they should get to know me, "um... favourite colour?" Josh asks "blue",
"Singer?" "Avicii"
"Dogs or cats?" "Dogs"
"Favourite sport?" "Football"
"Food?" "Sushi"
"Sexuality?" I pause, I honestly don't know. if I'm  honest with myself I'm gay but will I be judged? I can't screw this up for myself, "Simon!" Ethan says uncomfortably "What? It's just a question" Simon responds looking at his feet. "We don't judge you know, if your um"
"Gay" Tobi says finishing Vikks sentence "well uh I don't really know" I say. That was a lie but I can't screw this up, not now and now ever.
"I guess no one really knows until it hits them" JJ says breaking the awkward silence,"Yeah I guess" I manage to say.

"So how about your family?" Josh asks.
"I live with my dad" " oh are your parents divorced?" Josh asks "I guess you could say that my mum left with my siblings, never seen them since" I open up "damn that's rough sorry to hear that. Ethans dad left him so I guess you have that in common" Josh looks over to Ethan when saying that. "Yay. Twins?" I respond in a funny tone causing them to laugh. "I like this guy already" Tobi says while laughing.

He's lying they all hate you, in fact they probably wish you weren't here so they could say rude things about you.

I didn't update for a little while because I don't really know where I'm going with this story, plus I wanna give you guys longer chapters so I takes longer to write on top of the fact I don't know a thing about punctuation. But that's fine. Anyway over 500 reads! Thank you if you do read this book because it means a lot to me that some people actually like it. Anyway bye!

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