Chapter 2 - "Friends?"

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My feet slammed against the pavement as my legs carried me to the school gate which were being being filled up by various students who all seemed to be entering in a hurry.

I examined the building as I took a short breath in and began walking towards the front desk keeping my head down so I couldn't make eye contact with any one. I reached it to see a tall woman about mid thirties with a fake smile plastered across her face. "Hi what can I help you with?" She questioned in a monotone voice "um I'm new here" I spoke quietly "I need to collect my schedule which should be under Harry Lewis" she raised an eyebrow before opening a draw under her desk and pulling out a piece of paper which I assumed had my schedule on it. "Thanks" I muttered "no problem" she answered back.

I looked at the paper to see where my form room is. All it was was some kind of letter and number mixed together and I had exactly 5 minutes before I had to be in this mystery room. "Great" I muttered walking through the halls before seeing a teacher, in all honesty I didn't want to ask for help but I guess I'm going to have to get used to doing things I don't want to do. "Excuse me?" I asked trying to be polite, he turned around and glared at me obviously annoyed that I stopped him "Yes?" He bluntly asked before I responded "um where is this room?" I said pointing to the mix of numbers and letters. He signed pointing down the hall "down that hall turn left and straight down until you see the very last room on the right" I nodded my head muttering a thank you.

I reached the room taking a deep breath in before turning the handle and entering. Scanning the room, I stood in the doorway looking at what was in front of me which was honestly quite a simple room: yellow walls and vandalised desks all set out in perfect rows making it seem quite tidy in here -which it was- the floor was a simple dark grey working well with the yellow walls and oak teachers desk that once again was tidy and organised. A bright smile looked at me along with the gazes of my new peers. "Hello I'm miss clairs" she joyfully spoke with a seemingly real smile on her face. I weakly smiled back not daring to properly smile "Harry, Harry Lewis" I said slightly louder than I had earlier today receiving an even bigger smile back from the young blonde haired lady or 'miss clairs'.

She pointed to a seat in the back next to a small raven haired boy who had his face in a book "You can go sit next to vikk and get to know everybody" she said before sitting at her desk. Slowly, I walked over noticing that peoples glares had left me as they probably lost interest. Vikk - I think that was his name - lifted his head up looking straight at me while I carelessly dropped my bag to the floor and sat down resting my face on my hand.

He sat there examining me while I pretended not to notice and honestly it was rather weird and the awkward silence didn't make it any better. "Hey" my head darted to him letting me look back at him as I memorised how softly he spoke "Hey" I answered back slightly blunt. "New here?" he questioned "Yeah" I said. He hesitated before speaking "look it's hard being new here so" he paused before continuing "friends?" I nodded my head before repeating him with a slight smile "friends" I spoke confidently.

Messed Up - Wroetoshaw / minishaw (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now