Chapter 6 - The best English class.

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3rd person
Although Harry had just joined a new school he couldn't be bothered. To do what exactly you may ask, well Harry couldn't tell you that but he could tell you that he would rather skip school with his old friends than spend time with his new ones. It was selfish and Harry knew that but it wasn't his fault he couldn't be bothered. But he couldn't skip could he? Usually he would be fine ditching a day of school but today was different. Today Harry was going to school and not even his self could change that.

It was like the sudden burst of belief that came over him, belief in what though? Himself. Harry Lewis for once in his life had belief in himself and no one would change that.

Harry's POV
I grab my phone calling Freezy to tell him about yesterday. I don't know how but I was suddenly exited and happy. A feeling they usually gave me when I was down, but I guess I could make myself happy now. I mean it's weird how my mood changes a minute ago i was a mess and now I'm happy.

"Hey Boggo" Freezy says with a happy tone "It's Harry guys!" he shouts to who I am guessing is my old friend group. "Put him on speaker than!" Will shouts in the background. I laugh and speak to them " I miss you guys so much, sorry I didn't call you yesterday I was busy but I had a great day" Gib is the next one who speaks "that's great bog, but don't forget about us" I giggle this time "I know, I know. Trust me I won't and it would be hard to forget you all anyway" small laughs all suddenly appear from the other line after I say that. "Alright I have to go, bye" I wait for a response for a second or two before hearing them saying bye and hanging up.

*Time skip to school*

I sit down at the back of the class in English not really wanting to socialise with strangers, I guess form was alright because me and Vik got to talk a little but I don't think I know anyone in my English. Simon, JJ and Ethan walk in making me feel slightly better because I'm not alone in this class. Thank god. Simon sits next to me and I smile at him trying to thank him with out having to speak "Hey" Ethan says making me look over to him, he was sat in front of Simon next to JJ who was in front of me. I smiled at him " Hey, thank god I have English with you guys I thought I was going to be alone" they smile at me and Simon speaks up "yeah I guess it's actually really good" he leans in and lowers his voice this time "if we are we in partners can we be together?" He questions me and I give him a nod back.

We were in partners for this class. And it was the best English class ever.

Sorry this chapter wasn't that good. I try with punctuation but honestly I struggle with it a lot so if it's not correct than I'm sorry but I can't help it. This weeks sidemen Sunday was quite good but when vik and Harry were out I got annoyed. Anyway, thank god that it's the weekend because I hate school so much and I have a sidemen Sunday to look forward to and I'm playing a match this weekend. I'm literally just gonna binge watch something all night so I guess I'm doing something with my life. Thanks for reading ( if you made it this far )

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