Chapter 30

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The gunshot is more than enough to startle the terrified little puppy resting in my lap. He hangs onto my jumper, his grip tightening and refusing to let go. The minute Jin hyung and RM left the room, I was quick to scoop up the little ball of sadness and force him to his room. His feet gave in half way there and I ended up having to carry him the rest of the way. If I didn't think I had won him over before, I definitely have now.

I'm the only security he has left. The only one he can truly rely on and trust. The only one willing to help him. I can't help but grin from the thought. My skills yet again passing the test with 5 stars. 

I force myself back into a grieving mood as Jimin finally tones down his sobbing and looks at me. His eyes frightened, his cheeks forever stained. "What wa-s- th-at?" his voice silent and shaky.

I don't want to tell him what it was, but I know that he already knows and RMs raging scream that follows is enough for us both to confirm it. My stomach twisting, my heart hurting for him. For my hyung. He was always the kind one, the calm and the only normal one amongst us. He didn't deserve the way RM treated him and when I found out what RM was forcing him to do...

I can't say I'm surprised.

Jimin is though and as realization hits him again, he breaks into another heartbreaking cry. "No! I didn't mean it like that, I was just angry" he throws himself back on the bed, kicking violently with his weak legs and trashing around. I end up having to grab his wrists to calm him down. A failed attempt cause the guy underneath me seems to only panic more. I get irritated, my short temper getting the better of me and before I know it, it's already too late.

His face shoots to the side and the minute I let go of his hand, it goes up to comfort the area where I just hit. Such a forceful blow to his delicate figure and he watches me in shock, but quiets down. I immediately regret it. I didn't mean it like that, but he was getting on my nerves and I had to do something about.

There's a lot of guys in this mansion right now who's patience is currently running sickly thin and I would prefer to be the guy handling Jimin before someone else decides to. I never said I was a good guy and I never said I would be nice to him. I will help him yes, but I never told him how I would do it or what would happen before that time.

"You need to get your shit together!" I growl towards him, pointing an accusing finger as I watch him sit back up. Groaning I quickly leave for the bathroom only to come back with a cold cloth to sooth his red area. He lazily takes it, mumbling an annoyed thank you in the process before placing it against his cheek. I crouch down against the door, running my hands through my already messed up hair.

This whole situation is getting more and more out of hand. As if it wasn't enough with Jeon getting himself caught, Jung getting hurt and RMs already raging spirit, now hyung has gone and done the ultimate thing. RM did love him. He never truly showed it towards Jin, but we all knew it. The things Jin hyung got away with that would have the rest of us killed. The way he always managed to calm RM down in some way. RM would never truly hurt him like that, at least I didn't think he would.

Jimin watches me, still rubbing the cloth back and forth against his sore cheek. It's like he's waiting for instructions or trying to come up with a plan of his own as we wait it out. Someone rushes past us in the hallway making Jimin flinch before a door slams and another scream can be heard. It's then quiet. Deadly silent in this otherwise messed up mansion. Nothing is right anymore, nothing is currently going as planned, but I have already decided that I don't want to get tangled up in this mess.

I'm staying low, doing my part of the job, which is being there for Jimin and that's it. I sit back up, deciding to continue with the act that I'm currently playing. I dip down next to him, waiting for him to scoop closer and within seconds, he does. He's so fragile it almost amuses me how easily I can bend him around my finger.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, resting my head on top of his and drawing soothing circles into his back. I can feel how he relaxes and sighs out of comfort and safety, momentarily forgetting what just happened. "It's ok, I acted up." He states and another smile flushes over me, listening to how obedient he has become.

We just sit like that, for a long time with nothing but silence around us. In a strange way it's reassuring, relaxing and comforting. I've never felt like this before, it's almost like I'm gaining feelings for this tiny little man in my embrace. Almost like I actually do care for him.

Jimin sits up, his brown doe eyes meeting mine. Sincerity and what's this, affection?

"Hyung do you care for me?" he asks, anticipating. Delusional. I play along. "Of course, I do sweetie, I will never let anyone else harm you anymore." Reassuring words that creeps its way into his already messed up mind. "Would you love me?" I look at him in confusion, but see nothing but seriousness in his question.

Would I? or more correctly, could I? Do I have the right to say that, yes, I do care for him. Yes, I am growing feelings for him that even I don't fully understand. That he is indeed doing something to me in a way that makes me regret all the things that I have done to him. Making me regret the fact that I am currently tricking him, playing with his feelings. That all of this is just part of the plan.

Instead of answering his question, I decide to show him instead. I lean in, waiting for him to understand my intentions and hopefully do the same. He does, and I let him decide whether or not our lips should connect. They do only moments later and a spark that has long been dead, ignites inside me. A firework of feelings is going haywire and I feel happiness flush over me.

Yet again, there's this tiny little voice in my head that tells me NO! Stop it! This is wrong, you shouldn't be doing this and just as quickly as I initiated the kiss, I break it apart.

 Again, he looks confused, he looks scared and worried that he did something wrong and for a moment I notice how his body tenses as if he's scared I might do something. Good, this is how he should view me!

Like a monster!

"I'm sorry," I state, quickly getting up and leaving the room, leaving him to his own thoughts and feelings, but I don't forget to lock the door. 

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