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Auhtor's note:

I would like to apologise to all my readers for not being consistent with this book. You all really warm my heart with all your complements and support and I do really appreciate it. <3

"Fake love" has been a book with a lot of ups and downs for me. A lot of things happened in my life that took away my focus on the book and for a while I wasn't able to update it, for that I would like to apologise. I am a person who would like to finish something when I have started it and when it comes to wattpad, I'm one of those authors who likes to publish on a regular basis, both for my readers and for myself. 

Sadly, this hasn't been the case with "Fake Love" and I'm angry with myself for not being able to stay with my regular update schedule. I feel like I have let you down as an author and again I do apologise <3 <3

As always, even though it's been inconsistent, I do hope you have enjoyed this journey with me. If you want to, I would love if you left an honest review either here or private. What did you like? what didn't you like? What could have changed or been better?

Thank you so much, I purple all of you <3 <3

Yours truly,

Auhtor-nim <3


Min's POV:

"You fucker!" "Don't you dare die on me now you little piece of shit!" It's a fight against time and it's not in my favor. I can hear sirens approaching, but I don't care, knowing that we're well hidden and won't be found. I don't know where the rest is, don't even know if they survived and frankly I don't care anymore. If RM isn't dead by now, I will personally find him and kill him myself.

"Fuck!" I growl, my hands shaking and drenched in blood. The towel covering his bullet wound is getting more soaked by the minutes and I'm really running out of time here. He's unconscious, but it's not gonna be for long. A syringe in my hand, filled to the rim with adrenaline.

I jab it into his chest, watching the liquid disappear into his body before I quickly find another rag to cover his mouth with. His whole body suddenly tenses, his eyes shooting open from the hormone entering his blood stream and then he screams. A mad roar being muffled by my hands as I desperately try to stop him from getting up. "Lay down you idiot" I command, watching him angrily do as I say. "I'm trying to save you moron!"

He doesn't show it, but by the way he listens to me, I know that he appreciates it. He has all reason to. If it wasn't for me the fucker would be dead! I don't really know why I'm even doing this. Maybe it has something to do with a promise I made to his parents a long time ago. A promise that I would keep with me until the day that some eventually manages to kill me.

I sit back, having to calm my shaking nerves for a second before I continue. The alcohol burns my inside, flushing away the anxiety and stress before I take another drag from my joint. He scowls at me, judging me. The rag still covering his mouth. "Don't look at me like that. We both fucking know I can't function when I'm sober!" It's the honest truth. It's sad and miserable, but that's what it is.

Reaching down into my pocket, I bring out the little survival kit I always carry with me. I knew it would become handy one day. I just didn't know I would be using it on someone else. The thread fits perfectly into the needle, my hands now steady because of the fact that I'm both high and drunk. Jeon growls, biting down on the rag to muffle his pain. I swiftly clean the wound on his shoulder with my bottle, taking another sip before handing it to him.

He quickly moves the rag away before downing almost all of it, probably hoping that it will numb some of the pain he's about to feel. "It's a clean shot, through and through so I only have to stich it up" I comment lazily, moving in with my needle. As it touches the skin, I watch how Jeons face contour in pain. His cute little nose scrunches and he quickly reaches for the rag, letting it cover his mouth again.

He pours the rest of the alcohol over his stomach, wincing as it makes contact with the cut covering at least half of it. It's gonna scar nicely, leave a mark on him that makes the two scars form a cross together. I huff, looking at him with a sly smile before I let the needle puncture his skin.

Hours later I'm done. Pearls of sweat covering most of his body as well as blood from his wounds. He finally removes the rag from his mouth, using the only dry bit of it to wipe his forehead. "Thanks fucker," he laughs, a hoarse, dark and still evil noise. I feel offended, faking the reaction by pointing an accusing finger towards him. "Hey, I could have left you to die, wouldn't even have thought twice about it" I growl, a clear warning.

He scrambles to his feet, pulling the shirt I nicked from one of the dead bodies over his head before he limps towards me. It's already dark outside, the moon causing a calming effect making me hum satisfied. I grin, knowing for a fact that RM is either dead or in jail. Jimin is safe. I briefly spotted him being carried away by paramedics earlier on, the poor little fella fought as hell, probably thinking he was being taken again.

I don't know where V is, but if he's still alive, he has definitely gone into hiding, going to lay low for a long time. We'll meet up with Jung another day. He's going to have his hands full trying not to let Jimin blow his cover. 

Oh, I would love to see that to be honest, would be hilarious.

I can't help but laugh as Jeon finally comes to a stop besides me. His eyes scanning the area, settling on one of the cars on the ground. I wonder if he has ever contemplated... We're three stories high now, it would be so easy to just jump...

"Fuck, I need another one" I quickly roll myself another joint, my mind clearing and my thoughts becoming sober. I can't let myself back into that. 

Nope, ain't gonna happen.

We both watch the smoke rise towards the night sky, Jeon having a firm hold on his injured shoulder, staring into nothingness.

"I want him back," he whispers, eyes piercing and determined.

"All in good time Jeon" smoke escaping my lips.

"All in good time,"

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