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:Mia's POV:

Once I was alone. No friends. I know it's harsh, but it's the reality. I was a protector to many, mainly my little sister, Tessie. Trust me, she needs it.

Just a few of you will know me for me. Most say when they see me, "Hey, aren't you James Potter's twin sister?" To which I am forced to confirm and let them call me that.

And let me tell you, right here, right now, I am nothing like my brother.

My story starts in second year. I am a Ravenclaw, so I don't know what my brother and his friends are doing in Gryffindor. All I know is, I don't trust them.

And then I saw the person I have never met, but would recognize anywhere. Severus Snape. Obviously, living with James Potter, I have heard bad things about him, but as I said, I don't trust my brother, so I gave Severus a chance.

We introduced ourselves. It was pretty overcast, so I was shivering the entire time. Of course, he had a soft looking robe on so he wasn't cold at all. Lucky duck! I wondered what it was like to be in Slytherin, the house known for it's wealth and power.

Before I could ask he asked me suspiciously what I think of my brother, James. I told him the truth. I thoroughly hated all of the Marauders. After all, how could one trust a group in which the members, evil as heck, try to kill you? Not just that, but I am probably the reason my 7-year old sister, Tessie, is still alive.

Mentioning that, and the fear of my sister's untimely death, led me to crying. Severus hugged me fiercely, and told me he had the same fear, his friend Lily's death. He told me some Seer named Sybill Trelawney, aka my roommate, had warned him the one he loved (who I assumed to be Lily) would die before her 22nd birthday.

I hugged him back, and when he relaxed, I had a thought that we were going to be great friends.

After a few moments of chatting, Lily Evans came, looking for me. She had grave news.

"Mia, your sister... She's dead." Lily had said. I gasped. Tears streamed down from my eyes onto my cheeks. Severus wiped them away with a gentle brush of his thumb. I grabbed his hand. I needed it right now. He pulled me closer to him. I told Severus and Lily how amazingly pure and sweet Tessie had been. Severus's warmth simultaneously filled my heart and gave me chills.

Suddenly, a spine-chilling coldness came about in the form of a dementor. I clinged to Severus as he shot a winged, semi-incorporeal patronus at the dementor. It flew away and never came back. Lily looked at him questioningly, silently asking why his patronus seemed to be morphing into mine. (an owl) He held me tighter, and I blushed.

"Because, I'm getting the feeling we're going to be great friends." he said. I gave him a little hug to show his feelings were returned. Severus blushed and vowed always to stay by me. He is by far the most adorable person I know. And I love him for it.

But I still haven't forgotten about Tessie. I asked Lily where Tessie was and who killed her. Turns out she was killed by Sirius Black and was in Honeydukes, getting candy for me and James.

Lily, Severus and I rushed over to Honeydukes, but there were Aurors everywhere. I think I completely lost my mind when I saw Tessie's corpse. I felt weak and clammy, and fell to my knees, sobbing. Severus wrapped his arms around me and wiped my tears away. Lily was trying to get us into the scene.

When Lily finally got us in, I rushed over to Tessie. My sister was all I could see. So naturally, I missed a certain dog animagus plotting to kill me and Severus. Lily was the first to notice Sirius Black hiding in the shadows, growling.

"Look who it is-the murderer." Lily said, dangerously. She was glaring at Sirius. Sirius pounced and I as fast as I could got Lily and Severus behind me so that if anyone got hurt, it would be me. Severus noticed what I was doing and tried to stop me, but I whispered to him that he meant more to me than my own life. Sirius lunged at me and I was knocked backwards. Sirius then started roughly licking my neck and growling happily. I shoved him off as soon as I registered what was going on.

Severus then started fighting Sirius, giving me time to think of a plan. I whispered it to Lily and she nodded. She distracted Sirius and I checked on Severus.

He was weak and near-dead. I couldn't bear to lose another person I love, so I administered the first-aid I knew would help. However, he was still unconcious and at risk of bleeding out. I did the only thing I could think of. I sang to him. I truly don't know why to this day, but I did.

It worked! His eyes fluttered, and he stretched. He emitted a weird-sounding groan, and I was happier than ever before. His (gorgeous) eyes opened, and I was overjoyed in every sense of the word. He smiled softly and winced in pain.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned beyond belief. Severus's response was the cutest thing ever:

"Of course I am, my love. After all, I am in love with an angel, and that angel loves me back. That is the only thing anyone could wish for-you." He said it all serious-looking with most of his face, but his eyes, so loving and sweet. Seriously, everytime he looks at me, he melts my heart.

How does he get so eloquent? I, in contrast, was at a loss for words. All I could do was hug him.

But when he placed his lips on mine, all concious thought vanished. We were drowning in each other, and all I could think about was the need to keep this moment forever. That. Was. Amazing.

Suddenly, we heard a scream from Lily. Sirius had his wand trained on her with a psychotic, murderous expression on his face.

"Still not saying? Crucio!" Sirius snarled. Lily's screams were renewed.

Lily looked desperately at us, silently begging for rescue. Sirius noticed and kicked her flailing body. He also spit in her face.

In the meanwhile, Severus and I were silently hatching a plan for helping her.

I knew Sirius was afraid of cats, so I meowed loudly. When he was distracted, Lily and Severus shot jinxes at him. I joined in, surprising him.

Sirius Black, powerful as he is, could not fight three at once.

He begged for mercy, knowing he was doomed.

He gave this really intracate speech about being possesed by demons, which all three of us knew was rubbish. Anyone can exorcize demons.

But one of his claims put me off guard. Apparently he was in love with me. EW! I was totally shocked. Severus put his arms around me protectively, as if to say I was his and his alone. I fully endorse that view.

But Sirius was desperate. And when a Marauder gets desperate, you should be scared.

He did a very powerful Imperious curse on me, but thinking of Severus I was able to resist. I broke the spell by punching Sirius on the nose. Severus looked triumphant. I just love that look.

I would say this is our 'happily ever after,' but there's more...

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