ch 3

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It's been five years, and we are all twenty-one. Five years, since I was cursed. Most barely live through three. I knew my time was coming soon. I personally am at peace with the fact.

Severus seems to be very sullen, though. I know it's not because Lily and James are now dead, or that Sirius is in Azkaban, because Severus hates all of them. I had a feeling I knew what it was.

So I asked what was bothering him. Here's what he said:

"Love, you know how Sybill Trelawney predicted your death before you turn 22? We're 21 now, it could happen anyday." He looked truly terrified as a tear ran down his pale cheeks.

That part about Sybill Trelawney and her predictions surprised me. How could he remember that? I thought. That was a minor detail from when we were twelve!

Just then, my owl Athena came in with a package and a rather thick envelope. I opened it and got a note from Albus Dumbledore that said:

"Here you are, Mia. I hope you are in good shape, especially after that episode five years ago. I am sorry I couldn't get to you earlier. The other things are a few ritual props to cure you, and Lily's will. Read it. You'll know why. By the way, the incantation is 'Oculi Auream.' Have Severus say that in the ritual. Yours, Albus Dumbledore."

I showed Severus the note and Lily's will also fell out of the envelope. We skimmed it and at the bottom was a hastily scrawled note to me that read:

"Mia, I must admit I haven't been fully honest with you. I was the one to kill Tessie, all those years back. I possessed Sirius and caused him to take the blame, then staged a battle scene. Also, please tell Severus that I am the one guilty about fifth year, not him. Again, I am so sorry. ~Lily"

Severus opened the package as my hands were shaking too much to do it. (Not really sure if its emotional or a symptom of the curse.)

It contained an amulet whose pendant was a golden eye, a bottle of cream that made me want to pass out thanks to the smell, and a piece of gold that had little jade flecks here and there. I hoped Severus knew what to do.

Luckily, he did. He put the amulet around my neck, put the stone in a little hole of the pendant that fit perfectly, and ever so gently put the cream on amulet that made it shinier than it was. (If that was possible)

And when he chanted, "Oculi Auream, Oculi Auream," over and over again, it sounded like music and felt like a lullaby. I felt warm and chilly at the same time as drowsiness washed over me.

Suddenly, when it stopped, I felt energized again as suddenly a weight was lifted off me I didn't know I had on. Must have been the curse being lifted.

I shivered as the warmth ended. Severus, ever so sweet, let me wear his cape. I cuddled closer to him as I got warm again. We are truly soulmates in every way...

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