→ reiji x shy!reader

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this one-shot is smut
kinks include; riding, overstimulation, squirting
you are the sister of yui komori. you live at the mansion with yui. reiji loves to tease you.


3rd person

y/n gasped as she felt arms snake around her waist.

"hello, my love."

"r-reiji, what are you doing?"

"can't i just hug you, darling?"

"y-you can, but it..."

"can't really find an answer?"

y/n shakes her head.

reiji laughs and let's go, leaving her.

she turns and frowns, not seeing reiji.

"oh... he's so, such a tease..."

y/n turns and continues to do the dishes.


finishing the dishes, y/n sighs and decides to go to reiji's study to maybe help him out with something.

she knocks on the door, and waits for it to open as she plays with her fingers.

reiji opens the door and smirks.

"mm, what a surprise y/n. did you need something?"

"just wondering if you needed any help!"

he hums and leans against the door frame, nodding.

"yes, i do need help with something in fact. come in."

y/n nods and steps inside, sitting down in a chair, folding her hands.

he closes the door, and grabs y/n's hand gently, pulling it, making her stand.

he puts her back against his chest and wraps his arms around her waist.

"you sure that you only came to help with my work?"


"are you sure? maybe you came here to play?"


"then why is your face so red?"

she whined and tries to pull away from his grip, blushing.

"s-stop it!"

he leans down and kisses her neck, holding her tightly, he moves his hands down to start undoing her shorts.

"wait, r-reiji..."

"shh, why don't you just stay quiet, and only speak if you have to moan."

y/n blushes furiously, but nods.

he slides her shorts down and rubs the wet spot forming on her underwear.

"already wet?"

y/n nods, and sucks in a breath as she feels reiji's hand go past her underwear, whimpering as he used his index finger to rub her clit.

y/n bites her lip, shaking her head. she didn't want to moan, she didn't want him to know that she felt good.

reiji rolls his eye's, and grips her hip tightly.

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