→ ruki x chubby!shy!insecure!reader

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this one-shot is a smut/fluff/angst
this one-shot has a happy angst ending
this one-shot has soft smut
beginning to act distant to ruki as y/n starts to dislike her body, others begin to tell her the rudest things and doesn't tell ruki until she cracks.
requested by -SweetCherriBomb-


3rd person

y/n sighs, and hugs herself, trying to ignore the buzzing sound of her alarm clock.

it was wednesday, a school day.

she normally wouldn't mind them, but she does now.

she knows that she's gained a little weight, and kept putting herself down for it, trying to eat smaller portions but ended eating bigger portions.

she thought of skipping breakfast today, but couldn't ignore it as her stomach started to growl softly.

she gently pushed down on a button to make the alarm stop beeping, and sighed, sitting up, she slowly walked towards her closet, opening the door.

she looked around for clothes that she could be comfortable in, she ended up putting on black leggings, and stared at 4 shirts that she laid out on her bed, she pushed aside a shirt the seemed too short, and then another one that didn't have long sleeves, and then another one that seemed to small.

she pulled on the sweatshirt ruki got her and sighed softly, putting on socks, grabbing her shoes, and walking out the bedroom that she no longer loved.

sighing quietly, trying to not eat that much she stopped herself ten bites in and got up and left for school without a second thought about finishing her food.


she sat in the back of the class, looking down. she never had many friends, and nothing ever seemed too bad for her but things seemed to go down hill since last week began. And she didn't know why.

her classmates started to say things about her, and then she started to eat more than ever, she felt so disgusting and gross.

laying her head down, she questioned about her body, her personality, her boyfriend.

everything, she just didn't like anything anymore, she didn't know who to trust or who to be friends with.

they would call her fat and ugly and annoying. a disgusting human being.

she tried to shut them out and tried to be positive but she couldn't do it anymore.

she couldn't hold up the walls she built to be happy, the walls broke and she was about to break as well.


on saturday ruki came over for movie night, they did it every saturday. ruki brought sweets and chips and things that made y/n worry if she was going to eat too much and gain three pounds before the first movie was over.

half way through the movie, ruki began to notice that y/n hasn't eaten anything and was covered in a blanket, just staring at the screen, looking completely out of it.

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