→ kou x reader

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this one-shot is an angst/smut
this one-shot has 3 parts
part 2 of 3
kou cheats on you, its up to you to decide who you end up with, kou or your comforting friend, subaru?
requested by Coldhearted-princess


3rd person

it had been a week. a week and four days to be specific.

and nearly everyday, kou had texted y/n.

he texted you two days after she left, asking if she was going to come back.

a day later, he texted her again, confessing to everything that he had hid from her and when it had begun, and confirmed that everything he had done, he had regretted.

y/n didn't have a care in the world for him, and considered blocking him, but ended up not doing it.

she would leave him on read but that was it, other than that she hasn't had any contact with him.

for a week and four days, it had just been her and subaru, hanging out, and subaru trying to get y/n to be happy again.

and surprisingly, it had worked out well.

she wasn't as sad as she thought she was gonna be.

y/n sat down at subaru's table, placing down a plate of cake she had got from the store yesterday, and blinked when her phone started to buzz.


"that's been the ninth time this morning, and it's not even eleven yet."

y/n sighs, rubbing her, temples, before declining the call.

"i know, i know."

"either answer it next time, or block him. i don't know why you expect him to stop. he's gotten everything he's wanted in the past, you think he won't get you to answer his call?"

y/n opens her mouth to say something, but was interrupted.

for the third time that morning.

subaru looks at her with a bored look, and sighs,

"im going to go shower, do whatever you want."

subaru leaves, and y/n sighs softly, hugging herself tightly.

she doesn't know what to do, or what to decide.

and so with that thought in her mind, she did what kou hoped for her to do.

answer the call.

"y/n? y/n, where are you? are you ever gonna come home?"

"stop fucking calling me, it's getting really annoying!"

"im sorry..."

"do you just expect me to forgive you?"

"well, no, but-"

"but what? ive lost all faith and trust in you!"

"y/n, what do you want me to do?"

"leave me alone."

"but, why?"

"would you like for me to refer back to the text you sent me, telling me how many times you cheated on me?"


"exactly, now lose my number, leave me the hell alone, and get fucking lost, i don't want you in my life anymore!"

she ended the call on that, and immediately blocked him once ending the call.

she sat back in her chair, and placed down the phone, and put her hands on her face, biting her lip, feeling tears rush to her eyes.

she felt arms wrap around her and whimpered, feeling the tears rolls down her cheeks.

"i'm proud of you..."

"y-you sure are quick at your showers..."

"i don't like to waste my time bathing."

y/n smiles softly, and giggles.


a couple of weeks later, y/n had completely gotten over kou and what he had done to her.

since their last phone call, she hadn't heard from him again.

or maybe that's because she blocked him, but whatever, that's besides the point.

she was happy and was continuing to stay with subaru.

she was happy with him, she thought that he was amazing.

he had done so much for her in such little time, it made her smile just thinking about it.

she would constantly thank him for being there for her and doing all these things for her and he would just smile and say that it wasn't a big deal.

and call her crazy but she had developed a small crush on him, that slowly grew the more they spent time together and before she knew it, he was making her blush at the smallest of things.

now, on subaru's part, he had always had a place for y/n in his heart. he knew that he would always be there for her and do anything to make her happy, especially if she was going through something as bad as that.

he hadn't ever really been attracted to her, but during the course of those few weeks, he too had developed something for her.

he tried to not think too much of y/n being his girlfriend, but seeing her light up and smile at things that he did for her, or even just regular things, his heart would flutter a but and before he knew it, his small attraction developed into something more.



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