→ laito x virgin!reader

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you are a sacrificial bride
this one-shot is smut
this is all consensual
requested by Neko-Aiko-Chan
(e/c) means eye color


3rd person

it had only been a few months after coming to the sakamaki mansion, and in the first week of being there y/n had chosen a lover. to be specific, she had chosen laito.

laito was very kind to her, and took her out on dates, and to all sorts of places, buying her things, and filling her closet with cute and elegant clothing.

she was very happy with him. even with the facft that she was basically a blood bag. at least she thought that was all she was for the first few weeks of being with laito. he had done nothing but suck everything out of her til she passed out, but after it began, a week or three weeks later it had stopped and he began his sweet actions of love.

though he still liked to put her on his lap and suck her dry. he didn't do it often though. if he had a thirst, he would prick her finger, or a part of her body, and gently suck on it until blood stopped pouring from it.

it had only been a few months, and she didn't quite know how to tell laito, but she wanted to... have sex with him.


y/n had sat in front of laito, while he looked at her with concern, she had sat criss cross, with her hands in her lap, looking down.

"y/n? is something the matter?"

"w-well... i-i just think that... since we've been together for a while and... i was thinking that... we should... maybe, maybe, um, have..."

y/n stopped talking and hoped that laito got what she meant and luckily he did.


"um... y-yeah..."

she was nervous, and embarrassed and shy, and slightly worried due to the fact that she was a virgin, and he was... very much experienced. she didn't have any idea what to do during sex, or even how to start and just hoped that he wouldn't-

"you want to have sex?"

y/n blinked and looked up, blushing, and nodding.

"well, yes..."

"okay, we can do that!"


y/n hummed quietly and nodded her head.

"unless, you don't want to."

"n-no! i want to!"

"you... don't seem to sure about it though, if you don't want to have sex, it's fine."

"i-i do, trust me, i-i do, it's just... im..."

"oh... you're... a virgin?"

"well, yes, i am... and, and i don't exactly know what to do..."

laito hums, and smiled softly.

"that's okay, ill be gentle, sweetie,"

he put his hand on the inside of her thigh and smiled.


she had no idea what he meant by that but she went with it.

laito, smiled, and kissed her softly, mumbling against her lips,

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