Darkness is here

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        Abby soon found herself thrown and shackled into a cell. "Ow," she grumbled. Looking at her hands she winced, "my insides feel like they're burning, blistering." She closed her eyes tight breathing. Looking to her side she noticed the wolf.
The wolf was gray with black markings. It was knocked out cold. It was also shackled to the ground.
        Abby looked at her cuffs, they had bizarre marking on them. As she stood she fought against them. "Lizy!" She called. "Are you around here?"
        There was no response. There was not even the sound of rats. The wolf twitched a bit at Abby screaming.
        "Link!" She called. "Anyone?"
        The wolf opened its eyes, looking at her. Abby looked at the blue they held. "No way, Link?"
The wolf looked at her tilting his head. Soon he looked down at himself and jumped a bit at his new form. He looked in shocked not knowing what to think.
        Abby continued to look around, then to her cuff, she focused as her hand began to blaze. The carving on them began to glow a faint green, suddenly pain surged through her. Grunting she continued to cause heat to them.
        "Those cuffs are meant to contain the powers of deity's." a voice said. Looking around Abby blinked.
        "I know that voice." She said to herself.
Links ear also peeked up hearing that voice.
        "And looks like the beast as awoken," the voice said.
        Abby looked to Link, "you okay?"
Link nodded.
        "Seems like he still can't talk in the form," The voice said.
        "Who're you?" Abby frowned, her glowing blue eyes flashed about as she tried to decide on if the voice was good or bad.
        "Easy," it said. "I mean harm I am good"
        "After what just happened and the fact Link is a wolf and I'm glowing, not sure if I trust anyone," Abby growled.
"Understandably," it said "But there is reason for that and be thankful Elizabeth is coming"
        "What?" Abby glared at the wall. "How do you know that name?"
        Link tilted his head now confused.
        "You can say I known for a long time".
        "Well, I don't like it." Abby glanced at Link. "We need to get out of here."
        Link started to yank at the chain.
        "That's not going to work" another voice giggled.
        "Not more freaking unwanted guests." Abby groaned.
        The imp appeared. "Aw that's too bad we ware going to help you"
        "We still are," another said walking around the corner. "The sewer is scary"
        "Lizy!" Abby held her arms out in joy. "I was worried!"
Lizy smiled and waved. "Hey Abby glad to see you are alright"
        "They put magic cuffs on me," Abby said holding up her hands.
        Lizy looked at them. "Those are to hold a deity down," she said. 'Why put them on you?"
        "I don't know, just get them off. I'm in enough pain as it is." She flinched again from her boiling body.
        "Fine fine," the imp said making a ball of what looked like twilight breaking the chains.
        Abby rubbed her wrists. "Who are you?"
        Link stood beside her, glaring at the imp.
        "I will tell you if you can get out" She yawned bored.
        "She has been doing that" Lizy signed.
        Frowning Abby nodded, "we'll get out alright."
        Link growled at her.
      Abby walked to the cell and forced the door open. She then looked left and right. She began to walk along the other cells.
        "Now she will also come in handy," The Imp said as she plopped down on Links back.
        Lizy followed the other looking at the cells.
        "Where are you?" Abby questioned as she continued to around.
        "Over here," The voice said. "The last cell"
        Abby went to the cell and stared at the man before here. "Who are you?" She stared into his white eyes.
        "I am called Oni the deity of the sun, weapons, and war" he held up his arms that ware covered in chains with marking like the ones that held Abby.
        Grabbing the cell bars she bent them open with a grunt. Then stepped inside, "I know that name. Not sure where I heard it, but your name has me feeling bitter."
        The man just looked away.
        Lizy peeked in looking a the man. "It feels like I know you.."
        "He knew your name," Abby said as she looked to Lizy.
        "He did?"
        "Go ahead Oni, admit you know her," Abby said.
        "I do know her," he said bluntly.
        "But how? There's no way you'd know her and not me." Abby frowned
        "She has a point," Lizy said. "How do know me? I have been with Abby most of my life"
        "Tell your mutt to calm down." The Imp yelled to Lizy, Link was trying to shake her off while growling.
        "He is not my mutt his name is Link," she said.
        "Could use some help" Oni said. "These are heavy and annoying"
        Abby walked over, pulling her sword out she sliced them off. "There. I don't want to but I trust you."
        He stood, for once Abby felt short under his height.
        "okay he is tall," Lizy said.
        "Come we better get out of here," Oni said.
        "The tall one is right" the imp yawned. "We have to meet someone"
        "Who?" Abby asked as she followed Link and the imp.
        "Oh, you will see" The imp giggled.
        "Yeah, that's all I get from her" Lizy sighed.
        "Link." Abby looked to him in sympathy. "I wish you were able to talk with us."
         "Come on let's hurry up" The imp winded.
        "You are grumpy," Oni said. "It's not like the person can go any ware."
        "You know who it is?" Abby questioned him.
        "You well know where we are in a bit"
        "Hey, mutt pull on that chain!" The imp demanded. "We need to get back in the swears"
        Link growled but did as instructed.
The group soon walked in the swears it reeked of old water and mold. There ware black things that crawled around the floors and walls. At the corner, there was this ball of wispy lights that stood in place.
        "What are those?" Abby scrunched her nose. "They look like bugs."
        "That's what they pretty much are," Lizy said.
        Abby stopped walking. "This path is a whole lot of nopes."
        Link looked at the wispy light.
        "Why not use your senses" The imp giggled. "See what it is."
        Link closed his eyes and reopened them, looking around.
        "What do you see?" Abby questioned, not willing to look for herself.
        Link looked worried.
        "So you saw the ghost" the imp giggled.
        Link nodded.
        "Ghosts?" Abby looked around. "I guess it makes sense for a place like this."
        Lizy looked around as well. "We better get going to see where we are at as well this place is creepy"
        "Right." Abby nodded, she flinched in pain again, holding her hands to her chest with a deep breath. "This is going to take some getting used to." She murmured as they walked.
        "Are you okay?" Lizy asked her friend. "It looks like your in a lot of pain due to those marking"
        "My insides feel like they're melting," Abby said, holding her shoulders. "Don't worry though." She assured Lizy. Oni glanced at Abby, observing her.
"If you say so" Lizy was not too sure.
        "We need to find moon dust for you," Oni said. "That will help the pain"
        "I don't need your moon dust." Abby snapped, frowning at him. "You can keep your weird dust to yourself and your muscles."
        The imp laughed to herself.
        "Never said it was mine," He said.
        "How do you have one of the rarest healing agents?" Lizy asked. "I read only the deity of the moon use give it"
        "How would even come across this?" Abby questioned as she looked at him.
        He shrugged. "I have my ways and I had some for a very long time"
        "I mean no offense by this but I don't trust you all that much." She stated. "There's a trust there but it feels weird and my chest hurts from it so I think I'd pass on any magical cures from you. I'd rather take the burning."
        Link sniffed about as he leads them, glancing about to assure it was safe.
        "Fine" Oni said. "Just offering"
        "I think we are almost there," Lizy said looking around. "I am starting to feel a draft"
        Link nodded agreeing.
        "Let's hurry," Abby said as they rushed up broken steps.
"I wouldn't do that" The Imp called.
        The steeps soon crumbled making Abby fall right in font of the group right on her butt.
        Abby stood, seeming embarrassed. "Thanks for the warning." Her pale cheeks held a light pink.
"You okay?" Lizy asked.
        "Yeah." She coughed. "Watch your step."
"Well do," Lizy said
        The group jumped the holes with ease soon getting to the top.
        Abby stood beside her with crossed arms. "This place is interesting."
        Lizy nodded. "It looks familiar to"
        "You recognize the twilight?" The imp questioned.
        "Let's get going" Oni said. "We are almost there"
        Abby nodded and they continued on
        Soon they got outside out the swears. Looking around they ware on top of what looked like a castle. The sky was dark with an eerie glow and there ware monster flying around like ware grading the area.
        Link looked around, seeming amazed by the area.
        "Nothing like the Hyrule we know," Abby noted
"The poor thing looks beat up," Lizy noted. "I hope Zelda is okay"
        "She's strong, I'm sure she's fine," Abby assured.
        "I know" Lizy sighed as they went on. "Just can't help but worry"
        "So are you going to give us a name?" Abby asked the imp.
The Imp giggled. "No the person will"
        Lizy rolled her eyes at the Imp. "Again can't you be nicer?"
        "Can't I just like, throw her off this building?" Abby frowned.
"I can float," The Imp said. "So I can just come right back. And be nice to me you are helping me after all"
        "I'm throwing her!" Abby took a step forward.
        Oni put his arm in front of her, "don't throw anyone."
The imp giggled. "Better listen to the big one even though he is a bit stubborn"
        "You stupid midget." Abby pushed his arm away, "okay muscles, new rule. When I say I'mah throw someone, I throw them. Right, Lizy?" She looked to Lizy.
"Don't bring her into this" Oni said calmly.
        "Um," Lizy said looking at both of them. "Going with Link on this one and say no comment"
        Link huffed.
        "Let's get a move on it if you want to save everyone." The Imp said with a grin.
        Abby frowned at Oni and began walking.
Lizy started to walk she sighed. "Well this is going on a long trip"
        Some of the flying creatures took notice of them and began attacking. "They're gross," Abby said as she punched one away from Lizy, upon her touch, it burst into flames. Staring at it Abby gaped, then looked at her sister. "What is the world did I do?"
"Used fire magic," She said blinking. "I think but that was a very powerful one"
        "Looks like you can set things on fire" the imp giggled. "Can you do that all the time?"
        "Just with my sword," Abby said. "I could never cast on my own, especially from my hands."
"I am the one that usually can do that," Lizy said. "Whats going on here?"
        "This explains the burning at least," Abby said. "This place is weird, lead us out shortie. I want to hurry and fix this problem." She said to the imp.
The Imp sighed. "Fine fine we are almost there anyway" She pointed to a window. "That way"
        Link hurried with the others in pursuit behind him.
        "Do you feel fine?" Abby asked Lizy in concern.
"Yeah," she said. "Nothing seems to hurt at all. Though I can use wind magic"
        "Without your bow?"
        She looked at it. "I am not sure I haven't tried it since we came in here. Just been using my magic"
        "So this place affects our abilities," Abby said thoughtfully as they entered a new tower.
        "Yeah it must make them stronger" She looked at Abby with her gold eyes. "But why now?"
        "Not sure, but it's for a reason." Abby smiled. "We'll use it for whatever cause we aim for."
Lizy nodded agreeing with her friend. The group got to the window and jumped in soon fining them self on a tower.
        "Abby," Lizy said. "This is where her room is"
        "I know." Abby nodded, "wish she wasn't dragged into this." The imp lead them through, stopping at a door she pushed it opened.
        The was a cloaked person standing at the window looking out.
        Abby stared on. "No way."
        "Princess." The imp greeted with a smirk.
"Oh thank Nayru she is okay" Lizy sighed.
        She turned around slowly. Her eyes landed on the girls. "Abhilasha? Elizabeth? I didn't expect to see you two here."
"Neither did we," Lizy said. "We got yanked in...and my scenes are a lot stronger now...Zelda, what is going?"
        "That's expected." Zelda nodded. "I've known you were special from the start."
"Why not tell them?" Midna giggled. "You should tell them whats going on...Twilight Princess"
        Sighing, she keeled beside Link. "Listen carefully, this was once the kingdom of Hyrule. But this blessed land has been transformed by the king that controls the twilight."
        "King of Twilight?" Abby questioned.
        Zelda nodded "and now the land is covered in creatures that shun the light."
"Well, that's bad." Lizy said "Is there a way to stop them? Since it seems we are not affected by the twilight"
        "The kingdom succumbed to twilight but I remain its princess." She stated as she pulled her hood off looking to Lizy with determination.
        "You don't have to look so sad." The imp said. "We find it actually quite livable! Is perpetual twilight really all bad?"
        Abby frowned, "I'm throwing her for talking to Zelda like the issue is nothing."
"Please Abhilasha," Zelda calmed, then met the orange eye looking her way. "Midna, this is no time for levity. The shadow beasts have been searching far and wide for you." Midna leaped into the air, sitting with her chin resting on her hand. "Why is that?" Zelda asked.
Midna floated away for her looking away. "I don't know" she giggled and shrugged.
        "Can I throw her next?" Lizy asked.
        "Abby has rubbed off on you even more," Zelda said to Lizy with a gentle smile, she then looked to Oni. "I've seen your face before, in books. How did you manage to get yourself stuck within the Twilight?"
The tall one just shrugged. "Don't really know highness. Just woke up here and was chained"
        With a glance to the door, she looked to Link. "The guard will make his rounds very soon."
        Midna landed back of Links back making him growl at her.
        "You must leave quickly," Zelda said.
"Will you be alright Zelda?" Lizy asked.
        "Yes I will be fine now go"
        "Let's hurry," Oni said.
        "May the Goddesses protect you, princess," Abby said before she began for the door.
The group started to run for the door. Midna pulled Link's ears back.
        "Wait," she said hearing the door open. "Not that way. Man what bad timing"
        "The window" Oni said. "We need to go that way"
        "Let's hurry on up." Abby leaped up, clearing the window.
        Midna aided in Links jump to the window.
Oni garbed Lizy and jumped on up to the window.
        Abby glared at Oni once they landed, Midna floated ahead as Link followed, she then turned around and chuckled.
"What are you laughing about now?" Lizy said glaring at her.
        "Oh, nothing just that are you forgetting this" she turned around and tuned in to Colin screaming. Then turned in to IIla.
        "You little..." Abby hissed.
        Link growled at her, angry that she brings that up.
        Lizy glared at her as Oni shorted at the Imps rudeness.
        "I can help you know," she said ignoring them and still straying as the girl. "But you have to help me first"
        "How would you be able to help?" Abby questioned.
"Oh you will see" she giggled and teleported them out.

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