Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23


Reckless. Stupid. Selfish— telling Hope Mikaelson that he loved her was all of these things and then some.

And yet, he had done it anyway.

Ryan didn't think he would ever forget the look of surprise on her face— the way she froze, scarcely breathing as the confession tumbled from his lips.

Her wide eyes and trembling bottom lip caused him to panic—he feared his words had frightened her.

"It's okay," he said. "I don't expect my feelings to be returned. But I wanted you to know. I need you to know... Hope—I'm someone you can trust."

She had chosen him—for whatever reason, his safety meant something to her and he would be damned if he was ever loyal to another being on this earth.

She watched him carefully, searching his face.

"I don't know how, but somewhere along the way, I stopped looking out for just myself. Maybe it was subconscious at first, but I know it now— you are what I'm fighting for."

"Ryan," she whispered, "I—"

His heart squeezed in his chest, as it did every time she spoke his given name...

"It's okay," he said quickly. "You don't have to say anything. I know I have to earn your trust."

She gave him a smile, small but genuine—he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

In an uncharacteristic moment of spontaneity, he leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek, savoring the feeling of warmth it brought.

"Let's go get Landon," he said as he stood. "Let's make things right."

He held out a hand, marveling at how despite her red-rimmed eyes and weary expression, the young woman before him still radiated strength.

She accepted his hand, rising to stand beside him.

"We're finally going to face him," she said, glancing up at him. "Are you really going to help me?" she asked.

"Yes," he said without hesitation.

"You said I can trust you, but you were working with Huan— why?" she asked. Her expression was guarded but he could detect a flicker of hurt.

"It wasn't by choice," he said carefully. "I was being...manipulated."

"How?" she asked skeptically.

Ryan closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. Talking about his creation was never a pleasant topic and revealing information about his token went against his every survival instinct.

"Do you know how a golem is created?" he asked reluctantly.

"Not really," she admitted.

"My fath—" he paused, correcting himself. "Malivore was created by an alliance of witches, vampires, and werewolves— but he wasn't the first golem. A golem is created using clay or another natural material combined with a ritual."

"Landon mentioned some of that," she said with a nod of understanding.

"Well, what I didn't tell Landon, or anyone, for that matter," he said pointedly. "Is that when a golem is created, a part of the original material used to create them is kept by the creator."

Hope nodded again, a look of careful consideration in her eyes.

"This material is made into a figure, a token, that is kept by the golem's creator. It can be used as a means of control by inflicting pain. It can also be used to destroy the golem—the only way to truly destroy them," he said.

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