You vs The Rat

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So when I write, if I put "🎶🎶🎶🎶" that means I recommend you scroll up and start the song and scroll back down.

"Good afternoon listeners! Welcome to the first movie of the Masked Singer: Hero edition! I am your host, Present Mic, pro hero, dj, and teacher! We have some pretty talented people here today, and theyre all going to sing there hearts out! Now to introduce you to the judges!"

You stood uncomfortably, sweating and barley able to see. You watched the lively man with your first competitor next to you. You walked to a nearby mirror, security watching you carefully. You admired your Phoneix costume, the giant wings flowing behind you as a cape, the fire like colors all matching together. A black dress complimenting all your feathers, it stopped right above your knees. A big poofy tail flowed behind you.

You turned your attention back to the tv hoping to see Mic introduce the judges, you looked at your competition. He didnt seem to be much. His costume was a rat with a sparkly purple jacket, a small tail dragged on the ground behind him. He looked up at you and raised his hand and wiggled his fingers in a weird wave. You tilted your head and waved back.

"The one and only All Might," You snapped your head back at the tv, Mic was introducing the judges. "I'm sure we all know who our former number one hero is!"

"I've always loved competition, I'm excited to judge on this show." He said, he wore his normal yellow suit, but it fit him more than when he still could use his hero form, he must've gotten it resized.

"Next up we have BMI hero Fatgum! Coming up as number 58 on the roster, pretty good for a 29 year old, good job youngster!" Mic gave gave him a finger gun and wink. Fatgum was in his skinny form, he stood and waved, he was in a nice tux. "You're only a year or two older than me!" Fatgum chuckled at the man.

"You've got me there!" His wiggled his long fingers.

"Next we have the lovely Ms. Joke! One of my gold friends, nice to see ya doing well!"

"Its great to be here, I'm ready to get all of these absolutely wrong!" She joked, the crowd giggled at her foolery. She wore her normal hero costume.

"Next we have the number 9 ranked, Dragoon hero, Ryukyu!" She stood and shyly waved to the crowd.

"I'm not used to these types of things, but trying something new is good!" She was in her normal hero apparel as well.

"Now that that's out of the way, let's introduce our first two competitors!"

Your heart began to speed up, you've never sung in front of a crowd, much less your close friends. You went to UA with Mic and Ms. Joke. You had patroled in Fatgums area so the tow of you naturally became good friends fast, ever since you started to help out at UA, which was about 10 years ago, you became friends with all the students and teachers, once All Might started you were thrilled.

"Lets get our first contestant out here, please put your hands together for The Rat!" Ode to a Rat began playing over head, the short rat walked out onto the stage, each of the security guards were at least 2 feet taller than him, he was only about 2-3 feet tall, that probably why he chose to be a rat, because he's so small.

The judges all looked and whispered to each other, theorizing what heros this might be. You had a few ideas, but none seemed to fit.

"Short lil dude aren't you!" Mic crouched. The rat swiped at him playfully.

"Next we have a much more elegant contestant, let's have a warm welcome to The Phoenix!" He gestured to the opposite tunnel, you walked the opposite direction that the rat had gone out of. The security guards on either side of you.

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