Yandere! Dib x Female! Reader Part 2

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I lead Y/N to the kitchen to offer her some food, She kindly accepts and takes a bite but then they fade into unconsciousness only seeing my face before they black out


I wake up and first thing I notice is that I can't move my arms or legs "W-What the..?"  I look around but to find darkness all around me "H-Hello!? Is anyone t-there!?" I yell wanting to get out of this place, wherever this place is I then hear a short chuckle from the person I know the most....Dib "D-Dib! Thank god your here, help me g-get out" I look at Dib and see's that he isn't coming this way but..to beside me as he turns on a light "my my Y/N~ this is quite the reunion~" Dib says in a tone I don't recognize from anyone I know "maybe you'd like to see your "boyfriend" Zim maybe that'll make you better" He says walking to the other side of the room flipping a switch revealing a Zim strapped on a surgery table "D-Dib! Let him go!" Dib smirks widely "Glady~" Dib then releases Zim but for him to just fall and not get up "I found him dead so I brought him here" there's no point in trying to expose him now since he's dead" Dib shrugs "oh well" Dib walks up to me and smiles softly "I've always liked you but you never seem to notice it" Dibs smile then fade into a frown "you've always go to Zim even though he's forbidden to have feelings, how do I know that? Well it's easy I left a camera in his house and he hasn't found it yet oddly I heard his leaders say if they found out he has caught feelings for a human..well he's gonna have to be executed but..I already done that so..~ no point for his leaders to execute him~" Dib says to me a a semi dark tone and walks just in front of me "why do you love a..a...STUPID ALIEN!? WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT HIM!? He would've just used you to rule the earth!!" He screams at me with slight tears "I can make you feel like a queen! I'll be your slave if you want me to! Your only allowed to love me! If you don't you won't love anyone else!" He holds a knife up to my throat "D-Dib..d-don't..." I say with slight tears falling "my queen...don't cry..just promise you'll only love ME and not tell anyone about this and I'll let you free" Dib slowly brings the knife away "promise me that my queen" He says right in my ear "I-I..p-promise..." dib smiles "good" He then goes behind me and cuts the rope tying me down "as I said my queen, DON'T tell anyone..or else you'll join Zim in the dark abyss" I nod in fear and stand up "h-how do I g-get out if h-here...?" I say lightly looking at the once alive alien laying on the floor lifeless "follow me my queen I'll show you" Dib says as he offers his hand to me, I slowly grab his hand hesitantly and he leads me to the door.

3rd Persons POV

Y/N walks to her home unknowingly of the figure watching her with a saddened expression "pretty lady be careful.." Gir says and makes his human disguise appear and walks to the hi skool and apply for it.

Few months later...

Y/N had forgotten about the accident and started to forget about Zim, Dib on the other hand was always giving Y/N hugs and kisses and when one of them went to the other person's house he'd give them a bunch of cuddles and kisses..treating her like a queen

Dib's POV

My queen is happy so I'm happy well sorta I could never find G.i.r so I have to try and find him and destroy him, I smile and kiss my queen's cheek "love you my queen" I say and which receives a "love you to my king" I blush softly 't-that's a first,' I think to myself and cuddle my queen and slowly drift to sleep.

.~*Next day*~.

Me and my queen are on our way to hi skool to see the same kid that keeps staring at my queen and I hold my queens hand and kiss her cheek softly "love you my queen" I receive a "I love you to my king" as I glare at the kid staring at me or my Queen it doesn't matter if they look at her or not if so they'll have a problem- My queen and I walk in the hi skool holding hands, me and my queen were basically ruling this skool and everyone in it.

Gir's POV

I've finally gotten master together again but now he thinks he's an actual human and doesn't know anything about this planet earth, right I'm still silly but kind of mature enough to work and do stuff on my own, 'better see how masters doing so far' I think to myself as I walk to the trash can and head down to the lab I used to be so immature around and always messing things up, I smile lightly remembering all that and when master was well alive and himself but now he's going to act like an actual human which bothers me "what about dib..?" I say to myself and look at the table in front of me and sigh 'guess I gotta make him a disguise like mine in order to actually fool dib...this time, I snap my "fingers" and try and wake up my master or well zim "hello? Zim?" I hear a groan, now staring at zim I poke him "it's time to get up...b-brother" I sigh and get him ready due to him not knowing how and new to being on earth once again but...it'll all come back to him one day...I know it...

I'm sorry for not updating earlier even tho people will barely read this but still I was busy and my phones messing up so yeah I won't update much anyways guess I'll see you whenever I update again vixen out-))

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