[Logince] Foggy Windows

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[Dynamic;]Top = Roman - Bottom = Logan

[Kinks;]Public sex, Degradation, Humiliation, Hair pulling, Pain, Dirty talking, choking

[Warnings;]Rough sex, Degradation, purposeful injury(Minor), public indecency, the repeated use of the word 'Whore' 


Logan peeled the stuffy grey suit jacket from his arms, dropping it with a quiet sigh onto the bronze hook that hung besides the door. His tie was quick to follow, before the man kicked off his shoes. Normally he would set them neatly among his and his husbands spare pairs, but today was not one of those days. Today, he couldn't find it in himself to care. 

It had been a long, and very stressful day. First, he had lost his key to the door to his work office; Then, the receptionist had shredded some very important papers that he had to rewrite last minute. To top it all off, he spent an extra two and a half hours working, No overtime to speak of. He felt dead on his feet, grey bags beneath his eyes, looking nearly as bad as he felt. 

Stretching his arms, Logan yawned as he walked into the living room. Sat on the coffee table was a cup, filled to the brim with earl grey tea. A fond smile tugged at the exhausted mans lips. How sweet of Roman, to make him something to drink, something that was known to help with his stress relief. The only thing missing was Roman himself. 

Soon after finishing the cup of tea, Logan stood, walking over to the living room window. It was snowing outside, the glass fogging up. If you looked close enough, you could see through the window from the outside perfectly, but from a far distance, it was too foggy to look through. People passed on the side walk, mostly young adults, some elderly folk on the occasion. 

"How was work dearest?" Romans voice wasn't above a whisper, his breath against Logan's ear as his arms wrapped around the tired mans waist from behind. Logan startled, but only for a moment, soon melting into Romans chest. Prince charming was his favorite form of stress relief. 

"Horrid." Logan groaned, tracing his finger along one of Roman's arms, up until he could no longer reach, and back down again. He rubbed small circles, and Logan could feel Roman shiver slightly behind him. "Thank you for the tea."

Roman chuckled. "Ah, it was the least I could do. Although~," Quickly grinding his hips into Logan's, his voice dropped an octave, tone growling. "I could help a little more~" 

It took a moment for Logan to steady himself, breathing in a sharp breath from the feeling, not wanting to seem as excited about that idea as he was. He was about to drag Roman upstairs, before his hands were pinned above his head, face pressed to the icy glass, which fogged up more from the sudden heat. A shudder ran down Logan's spine.

"You know~" Roman drew a pitiful whine from Logan as his tongue ran from below his ear, slowly down his shoulder, brushing over his sweet spot with no mercy. "You've always said you wanted to do it in public~. here we are, right in-front of a nice window~. I bet everyone on the street would love to see you begging and pleading for my cock as you fuck back on me like the desperate slut you are~."

The thought made his cock jump. Logan knew no one would really see them unless they were trying to look through the windows, but god, it would feel like they were watching. He squirmed in Romans grip. "Please~" It was breathy, and quiet.

"What was that~?" Roman gripped a fistful of Logan's hair and pulled, dragging Logan closer to him at the same time. It drew a loud moan, Logan tensing.

"Please~!" Logan begged. "Ro~" It was undignified, but he couldn't find it in himself to care at the moment.

Romans hands undid Logan's belt quickly, pushing down his boxers and jeans, easily pressing him further against the window. He kicked off his own bottoms, dragging his teeth over Logan's sweet spot. "Do you want-"

"No prep just~," Logan shuffled, uncomfortably hard, grinding his hips against the window. He smeared a bit of pre-cum on the glass, a moan escaping his gritted teeth. "F~fuck me~"

It took a moment, but Romans fingers dug into Logan's hips, impaling him on his cock with a quick thrust, groaning with his sub. "Look at you~, such a whore~, letting yourself get fucked in-front of so many people~."

Logan nearly whimpered, flushing down to his chest. His breathing was heavy, it felt so good, Romans cock stretching and pressing into him in the best way. As people passed, Logan couldn't help but watch, wincing if they glanced towards the window. What would they think? How pathetic of him, giving into his lust like this. 

Roman snapped his hips forwards again, forcing Logan harder against the window, causing him to cry out with the pleasure. "Bet they're really loving the show~." Roman growled into Logan's ear, the sub melting against the quickly heating glass. The way Logan whined, sounding so pitiful, and embarrassed drove Roman to fuck into him deeper. 

"H~Hope they do~," Logan breathed, trying to arch into Romans cock, and keep his eyes open. Despite his struggling, they slipped close, every bit of him tensing with the pleasure. They both knew exhibition was one of his largest kinks. "Want them to enjoy my k~king fucking me so~" He whined, unable to finish his sentence. 

"F~fucking you so what~?" Roman growled. "Speak~" 

Fingers closed around Logan's neck, squeezing hard enough to cause Logan's already heavy breathing to stutter. The moan that followed was barely able to escape his throat, a choked breath leaving him. "S~so good my king~ s~so~ s~so..." Roman hit his prostate, a scream like moan forcing its way out of Logan's mouth as he came against the glass, hot and hard as his hips jerked forwards. He had never come quite so hard in his life, and seconds later Roman filled him, grip loosening on his throat.

Logan collapsed against the glass, roman kissing his shoulder gently. "Good boy~" 


I can't decide if this was better than the last one or not, haha. The sad thing is the first half was written before the one posted was. I really need to get back on my game, hopefully ill be posting regularly now that I've got my foot in the door.  

Constructive criticism is welcome, and requests are pretty much always open (as long as you're patient with me)


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