[Intrulogical] Satisfaction

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[Ship;] Intrulogical

[Au;] None

[Dynamic;] Top = Remus, Bottom = Logan

[Kinks;] Degradation, 'Daddy' pet name, tentacles, Over stimulation, 

[Warnings;] Rough sex, daddy kink, usage of words like 'whore' and 'slut', over stimulation, double/triple/ect. penetration

-Requested by TheOneAndOnly_Trash-


It was one of those days. Logan knew the logic behind arousal, how could he not, but as a gay male, it was more annoying than anything else. He could't procreate as a side, and wouldn't in preference. Logic, however, failed to be any use when he was dragging his slightly rough hand up the shaft of his cock, eliciting an embarrassingly lewd noise. His mind could no longer focus on anything but the pleasurable feeling, and the imagery playing over, and over, and over in his head. 

A groan of frustration floated from his lips. It wasn't enough; He could sit there and pretend like it was, but he wasn't the deceitful side. Shaky seconds passed as Logan focused on calming himself enough to stop and think for a moment. What were his options exactly?

The only person Logan couldn't rule out was Remus. He was hot, kinky, already shameless, it was perfect. 


The first thing to assault Logan's senses was the smell of cucumber deodorant, surely a mid day snack. It was a smell that came with the room, and it reminded the Logical man of where exactly he was. Blood curdling screams coming from the movie Remus sat on the bed watching was the next. Catching Remus' attention wouldn't be difficult, but he wanted a raw reaction. He wanted to be tossed onto a bed and ravished like prey; It had to be hard, and brutal; Nothing else could possibly fulfill his urges. 

In a swift motion, Logan pulled the plug to the television. When Remus' eyes darted up to complain, the blue robe Logan has tossed on slipped off his shoulders. Of course, nothing else was under it; Logan had been in too much of a rush. 

A shiver ran through Logan at the lust that lit Remus' eyes, which were making their way down his chest. They only stopped once they reached his obviously hard and leaking cock, Remus rising with a deep throated purr.  

"Well isn't this a surprise~!" Remus was standing in-front of Logan within three swift steps, drawing a pained but needy whimper from the bottom as his back was pressed less than carefully to the wall. "Whatever did someone as innocent as you come here for, hm~?"

Remus was everywhere now; Logan could feel his hands sliding down his sides, nails barely scratching his bare skin. It was hard to think, the only thing keeping his knees from buckling beneath him being the warm, and still annoyingly clothed body pressed into him. He tangled his fingers in the frills at the bottom of the Duke's outfit, a desperate breath escaping him. "Y-you know what I want Remus~" 

Lithe fingers wrapped around the shaft of Logan's cock, the feeling not foreign, but different. "D~don't tease~. P~please don't tease~" He met Remus' eye. 

His desperation must have been obvious, bottom lip swollen from biting at it, while his body curved into the contact. There was most certainly drool coming from the corner of his lips, most likely left over from taking care of himself earlier. He knew it was obvious, because those fingers left his cock despite his complaint, and tangled into his already messy hair. 

The first tug towards the bed sent Logan stumbling forwards, a cry of a moan leaving his lips. "Pl~Please Remus~ j~just-" Something covered his mouth as he was pinned to the bed. It was cold, and slick with something. Not lube, slime. It was covered in slime

Remus sat above Logan with a deep smirk, lips pulled up far enough to expose his sharp teeth. While Logan had been distracted, the Duke had stripped; thick, light green tentacles protruded from where his shoulder blades were. 

A Shudder ran through Logan, watching the tentacles as they seemed to crawl towards his arching figure. He spread his legs wide, and that was enough for Remus. Two tentacles came to grab Logan's wrists, while two more bound his ankles to the bed just as tightly. He found himself unable to move while the one covering his mouth retreated, allowing Logan to gasp for air, and let out a lewd whine. 

"Now~" Remus purred. "Here's how this is going to work you desperate little whore~" A tentacle rimmed Logan's ass, the duke licking his bottom lip at the sharp intake of breath the sensation and pet name caused. "I'm going to fill you up like your pathetic ass is so needy for, if you can do one thing for me~"

"A~Anything~!" Logan cried, eyes shut. "'ll do anything~" He tried to push back on the tentacle, hoping to get it to press into him, even if its just a little bit. Remus was far ahead of him though. 

For a moment Remus just enjoyed watching Logan lose his composure beneath him, but he had teased him plenty. "Call me daddy~" He settled between the bottom's legs. As Logan writhed with desperation, Remus started to loosely jerk himself off, dragging the head of his cock over Logan's waiting hole. "Can you do that for me whore~?"

"Y~Yes daddy~!" Remus finally pressed into him, giving Logan no time to adjust to being filled. A drawn out and lewd moan escaped them both, Logan's hands twitching. Every part of him wanted to cling to the tops shoulders, but he couldn't even raise his arms from where the tentacles had him bound. "F~Fuck daddy~ Harder please~ Ngh~"

The thrusts quickly picked up in speed, Remus pounding Logan into the bed, watching as he squirmed from the stimulation with a desperate groan. "I'm going to break this whore ass of yours~. Daddy is going to wreck you he's satisfied." It gained an eager nod, the room filled with the whimpers and whines of pleasure from Logan. 

"M~more~" Logan begged, glasses fogging up, his breathing getting heavier. "Want your tentacles D~daddy~! Want them in my ass with your massive cock~" 

"Oh is that what my whore wants~?" Remus moaned, hips snapping forwards to make a point of the question. "You've been good enough I guess~" He growled, feeling Logan shudder beneath him. 

One of the few tentacles not keeping Logan still trailed up his thigh, pressing into his ass in time with Remus' thrusts, followed by a second, than third. Tears pricked the corner of Logan's eyes at the feeling, his ass stretched to the point the smallest bit of movement forced a shaky moan from him. The only thing allowing them to fit was the still cold slime, sending shivers up Logan's spine. Each moan was loud enough to echo through the mind palace. When the final tentacle wrapped around his cock, it was enough to tip him over the edge. 

Remus pumped, and fucked Logan ruthlessly as he cried out 'D~DADDY~', seeing white as cum painted the sheets, and Logan's chest. Remus didn't stop, slamming into Logan as he whimpered with over stimulation beneath him, halfheartedly struggling as he arched away and into the overwhelming pleasure. A string of curses left the duke as he filled Logan with his cum, hips stuttering and snapping into him through his high. 

The tentacles slowly retreated, Remus panting heavily as he rested his head against Logan's shoulder, pulling out of him. He wrapped his arms tightly around Logan's waist, promising to clean them up in the morning. Soft snores were already floating from the smaller sides parted lips, so Remus closed his eyes and drifted off. 

That was definitely going to happen again. 


I am very much open to feedback, (As long as its constructive!), and see the requests chapter to request something. It will be updated with a list of pending stories!

Hope you enjoyed, and had a little fun while reading ;)


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