[Vermus] Hidden with Hatred

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[Dynamic;]Top = Remus - Bottom = Virgil

[Kinks;] Pet names

[Warnings;] Crying, fake bullying,

~~Requested by MCR_Gerard_wayy ~~


"I don't hate you, you know I don't hate you, right?" Virgil's hands tangled into the complex curls at the back of Remus' head, not tugging, but urging Remus closer, silently praying for more; More of the sweet kisses they shared when no one was watching, the lingering touches when the others turned away, and the comfort they found in each other. 

Remus held Virgil by the waste in their surprisingly soft moment, lips skipping from his forehead to his cheeks to his nose. "I know."

"I didn't mean-" 

"I know." 

Virgil's gaze met the others during a brief pause between the short pecks, longing for something they couldn't have. 

They had been dating for a few months now. He seemed as if he resented the dark sides, and for Deceit perhaps that was true, but what he felt for Remus was nothing close to resentment. It was like a badly written love story, and Virgil knew how Patton might feel if they were found out, so Virgil hid it. He hid it with bitter words and nasty comments, playing along with the others as if Remus was the bad guy. 

It hurt. Virgil was terrified that Remus would think it was true, and grow to resent him for it. 

"Do I need to show you kitten~?" The hot breath on his ear combined with the pet name caused Virgil to completely melt as Remus pinned him to the wall of his bedroom. it wasn't surprising that this would be the way the other chose to reassure him, but it was pleasant none the less. "Well~?" He urged when it took too long for Virgil to respond, nails digging lightly into the others wrists. "I need some kind of an answer~"

 Heat crawled up the back of Virgil's neck, embarrassed, and needy. "P-please." A whine escaped Virgil when Remus raised a brow, as if asking for more. "S-Show me." A gasp escaped him as one of Remus' hands gripped his ass. 

"That's more like it~"

It was mere moments before Virgil was flipped to have his stomach against the wall. "You want me to know you still love me~? Serve."


This is more of a drabble. Sorry i havn't updated, and that this is the most you get for the night.

Updates will be picking up again~ With everything going on I've been a bit busy but ill be dedicating more time to my one shots. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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