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    Cara's sleep broke due to the loud shouting going on. It was everyday. She came out of her room to check what had happened today. Her mom and dad were fighting yet again. As expected her dad wanted some money for his gambling and her mom was adamant on not giving it. She knew that her mother was no saint, her mom too wanted the money for her drinks. She gave a sad look to them and went to do her daily chores.

          She was tired of her parents' daily fights. They never paid attention to Cara, as she wasn't visible to them. They never really cared to know, Who were her friends? How did she manage her daily needs? All that mattered to them was their gambling and their drinks. Cara always thought that if they ever wanted a child or not!! Because if yes then they would have looked after her.

          Cara left the topic for now and got ready for school. Her mind went back to Ace. She was sure that after yesterday Ace would never talk to her. It was the first time Ace had talked to her and she had reacted rudely. She came out of the house and was waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

Cara's pov-

Trying to kill time, I pull out my phone and a Place my earbuds in my ears.
I turn on Rascal Flatts- Rewind
And I stare blankly at the bumpy paved road in front of me.

Most of the time, I sit at this bus stop alone.
I'm the only kid in this small neighborhood except for a few kids in college.

I don't know where Ace lives but I've never seen him this way.

Oh god.. Stop it, Cara... Stop thinking about him again and again...

Lost in thought, I think about the music again.

"Wish I could reach up and reset that sun.
Reverse these wheels go back and re-pick you up.
Went by so fast oh so sweet,
Make me wanna remake a memory.
Wish I had a time machine.
Oh I float the moon back up in the sky,
Put a cork back into that sweet red wine.
Put your midnight hair back up,
So you can let it fall one more time.
Untouch your skin,
Unkiss your lips and kiss 'em again.
So good, so right, this is one night
I'm wishing I could rewind.
I turn back that radio dial reopen your door,
Try to talk George Strait into giving us an encore.
Re-spin you around replay that sound,
Of you laughing when we hit the ground. I can see it now"

And just like yesterday, a cold chill runs down my spine.
I opened my eyes and I glanced to my right.
What is Ace doing here?

I take my earbuds out and wait for him to speak.

"Hello again Cara"
He says and his pitch black eyes stare into mine.

I stutter.

He sits down next to me and I can't help but smile internally.
My breath hitches slightly, I've never actually been this close to him before.
I try to hide it but I think it's a lost cause.

"Do I make you nervous?"
He says placing his hand close to mine.
His eyes are still burning a hole in mine.

I respond trying to sound serious.

He brings his head close to my ear.

"Are you lying to me darling?"

I decided to say nothing.

Suddenly, I hear the loud bus start to make its way down my street.

"Meet me at the back of the college after first lecture"

He whispers and he gets up and quickly hops on the bus.
I sit slightly shocked for a second and then I get my wits about me. What's happening? Why is he chatting with me??

I get up and head to the back of the school bus.
I pass him on my way back and we make eye contact.
I break it and sit down quietly.

I stay silent and I look out the window.
I can't help thinking about what's going to happen.
Why does he want me to meet him?
Why me of all the people?
I've seen him for over a year and he hasn't talked to me until recently,
I can't help but find it weird.

I got to college and went to my class.
As every second passes, my anxiety gets worse.

After the first period, I walk slowly towards the back of the college. My hands were shaking and I was trembling with an unknown fear.
When I get there, I see no one and I stand confused.

"Hello Cara"
Ace greets.
Another chill runs down my spine and I turn quickly.

How does he do that?
And Why does he have me wrapped around his little finger?

"Hi A- Ace"
I stutter again.

Stop fucking stuttering Cara!

"I like when you call me that"
He says in a whisper.

Why do those eyes kill me every time?

My breath hitches again. Did he really say that?  How come me taking his name can kill him? Do I really affect him? No, don't think about this Cara..!!

"WHY?" I asked him.

He smiled at me and replied," Because you are mine"...

I furrowed my brows at him. What did he mean? Before I could question him anything he went from there. Where did he go?

What the hell is wrong with him? Why did he say that?? Oh god I'll go crazy.. Cara doesn't think much.. Maybe he just had more weed...

‘Huff... What a start to the day..!!! Don't know what more is stored... ‘
Saying so Cara went back to her classroom.
As soon as she went near the door, she was engulfed in a tight hug by someone.

After meeting Cara, Ace went from there towards the canteen. He met his boys and they decided to go out. But before going he just wanted a glimpse of Cara. He got up from there and told his friends that he'll meet them outside in 5 minutes.

He was going near Cara's classroom when he saw her coming from the opposite direction. He smiled at her sight, but it soon turned a frown when he saw her getting hugged by someone.

Who was the person??

To know more.. keep waiting for the next update...!!!!


Guys nxt update will be soon

Seeyou soon.

Till then astala Vista guys.

Precap-you all think what can happen

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Love. Nikki

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