We're Both Different

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It was never easy being a twin. Despite the fact that they weren't identical, everyone expected Jonah and Cyrus to be exactly the same.

Sometimes, this could become too much, as they both had different strengths and weaknesses, which would be highlighted against the other twin.

Their class was going to be playing basketball, but this created two different emotions for them. Jonah was excited, he loved sports. Cyrus was dreading everything, he was more academic and hated physical activity.

As they waited on the court for the game to start, Cyrus looked at Jonah. He could see how much his brother was looking forward to the game.

"I'm gonna need all the help I can get" Cyrus commented.

"Dude, it'll be fine, you'll see!" Jonah assured.

"But I can't even catch the ball" Cyrus countered "How am I supposed to play a whole match without embarrassing myself?"

"Believe me, sometimes it just comes to you when you least expect it" Jonah encouraged "And regardless, it's more important to take part"

"Like I haven't heard that line a thousand times from mum and dad" Cyrus sighed.

"If that's how you feel, then surely you can only exceed your own expectations" Jonah reasoned "So don't think about anything over than having fun"

Cyrus did feel better after talking to Jonah, but at the same time, he didn't want to believe a word his brother said.

"You would say that" Cyrus rejoined.

"What are you talking about?" Jonah wondered.

"You're my brother, of course you're going to try and make me feel better" Cyrus stated "But I don't think it'll make a difference"

"Let's just wait until the end of the game shall we?" Jonah suggested "And then we'll see who is right"

The game began and Jonah was having a great time. He scored on all five of his attempts, but when he got the ball for one last time, he passed it to Cyrus.

"W-what do I do?" Cyrus hesitated.

"Just throw it in the hoop" Jonah instructed.

Jonah did his best to make his brother feel confident, and watched with baited breath as Cyrus threw the ball towards the hoop. He was so proud, as Cyrus scored, and looked genuinely happy with himself.

The first thing Jonah did was give Cyrus a hug. Seeing his brother try something new and actually be successful was great.

"You did it!" Jonah beamed "You really did!"

"I can't believe it" Cyrus mumbled "You were right"

"Aren't I always?" Jonah questioned.

"No, but you are on this occasion" Cyrus chuckled.

The game soon finished and once everyone had changed back into their normal clothes, school was over.

As Cyrus and Jonah walked home, it was different than the days previously. Cyrus couldn't help but have a spring in his step.

During their journey, Cyrus couldn't help but notice the way that Jonah kept smiling at him. He was a little confused.

"Is something funny?" Cyrus asked.

"Not at all" Jonah answered.

"Why are you smiling then?" Cyrus posed.

"I'm just thinking about how you've been able to prove yourself wrong" Jonah retorted "You hate sports, but today you played"

"It's nice to achieve" Cyrus agreed "But it's not easy, having someone like you as my twin"

"Why not?" Jonah questioned, feeling slightly hurt.

"Because you're great at sports" Cyrus said "And that makes me look even worse when I fail"

Jonah looked at his brother with pity, because in reality, Cyrus was not the only one who felt that way.

"You know, I find it difficult too" Jonah revealed.

"Really? Why?" Cyrus wondered.

"Because you're so smart, and I'm not" Jonah responded "I wish I could be intelligent like you"

"You can be, if you try" Cyrus insisted "And you should know that, I just proved it!"

"I know" Jonah giggled.

It was the first time when they truly understood each other, and realised that being twins didn't mean they had to compete with each other.

Thank you for reading.

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