Chapter Four

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A/N: Dedicated to @Shannerz for the amazing cover!


Alex's POV

 As I sat next to the-one-who-shall-not-be-named I couldn't help but keep staring at the parking girl. The way she blurted out how she doesn't want to sit next to me. Hah, we both know that she doesn''t really care, well didn't care until a certain someone told her to move seats. That bitch just doesn't understand when someone says no to her. 

Well, if you didn't make out with her at the club then she probably wouldn't be trying to seduce you... it least i think she is.

No shit sherlock... But I was drunk can't blame me.

But her?! I thought we had higher standards... My subconscious is one whiny bitch. How have I not noticed it before, I have no idea. 

The bell rung and driver girl rushed out of the classroom, well someone is scared... I casually waited for the class to empty out since as much as I'd love to leave this hell hole I don't want someone to barge into me. It's not like anyone would dare anyway, I smirk at the thought, I'm like Moses and the other people are like the Red Sea, parting for me whenever I come through. Finally, I get up from my seat and just as I'm about to head for the doors another shrill of a bell rings. What. The. Fuck? I wasn't sitting in here for fifteen minutes, was I? Damn... Then the bell shrills again. I frown and look at the teacher to see if the bell actually went, not like I care anyways, when I hear it again but this time it sounds a bit like my name. Am I hearing things now? Fucking awesome! Sarcasm, gotta love it.

Dude... You. Need. To. Get. LAID! Comprende? You're hearing things now, trust me hermano, it's a bad sign!

I know, I know... For the first time ever, I agreed with the thing inside my head.

Walking down the hall, I notice people staring at something behind me but I don't pay much attention to it My mistake. I should've ran. Is my first thought after I feel a set of anorexic arms and fake boobs pressed to my arm... Mierda! I immediately recognise who these belong to. She started blabbering something about me meeting her friends. Like hell is that happening! I just keep on walking, not even bothering to pretend that I'm listening, I have much better stuff to do... Like think of a plan on how to get rid to the iguana equivalent on my arm... 

On the other end of the hall I see the parking girl, damn I seriously need to find out what her name is since she seems to take up most of my mind. Wait, that's wrong, no girl should take up my thoughts. Just forget about her. Well, I'll forget about her after I get rid of the leech. I strode towards the girl, keeping my eyes focused on her. Everyone in the hallway went silent and stared at the scene unfolding in front of them. Well, it's not like I usually bother with anyone in this shithole, especially chikas like the parking girl. I smirked, this is gonna be interesting, I thought as I got closer to the oblivious girl rummaging through her locker. How did she not notice what's going on? Everyone, and by that I mean literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the hall stood frozen and silent and she just carried on doing whatever she was doing like nothing was going on. I took in her appearance. Baggy tracksuit with an over sized hoodie, hair in a messy ponytail, no makeup, glasses... But there was something else about her that made me notice her. And trust me, it wasn't her looks or the way she speaks. Well maybe a bit... But it was the aura around her, she had this air of mystery that intrigued me. Shit, I need to get laid...

She was about to close her locker when I did it for her. She looked up at me in confusion. Cute. No! Not cute! Bad! Yeah, very bad! Ummm HULK! What the hell... Where did that come from? I mentally slapped myself. Plastering a smirk on my face I tuned my attention to Amber.

"Oh Amber, look who do we have here..." I started off mockingly.

Amber scrunched up her nose in disgust while she looked at the parking girl.

"Sky." She sneered. Ah, so the name was Skylar. Is suits her, her eyes are sky blue. For a second I saw an emotion, something close to fury, flash in her eyes before she composed herself and looked up at Amber 'confused'. Confused my ass, the chika here has a fire in her... I unconciously licked my bottom lip and noticed her eyes following the motion of my tongue. Interesting. "Babe, I've gotta go, I told Tim I'll meet him in the parking lot" Amber sighed reminding me of her presence. Finally, she's going! Dios mio! She started making her way towards the exit. I thought I was gonna suffocate with all that perfume she's wearing. As soon as I thought that, I heard a snicker coming from the parking girl, Sky. I looked at her questioningly.

"Umm, you said that out loud?" she offered bushing a bit. Oh so now she speaks? I just raised an eyebrow at her, daring her to say something. She squirmed a little, but it seemed forced. I just shrugged, I probably just imagined it. 

"So, Sky-" I started off but was quickly cut off by her. Which believe it or not, suprised me and annoyed me at the same time.



So I finally finished the chapter, sorry it's so short but I promise that the next one will be longer :)

It's unedited so sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Hope you enjoy it xD


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