Chapter Five

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Skylar's POV

"So, Sky-" he started. Oh, not again... My hand quickly shot up into the air to silence him. He looked annoyed but mildly amused by the fact that I had interrupted him. Oh well. Not like I care anyway, he can go die in a hole for all I care! Ooooh, that rhymed! Go die in a hole! I was getting giddy and happy about the fact that I could make up a rhyme. Even though I am good at English, poetry and me just don't go well together, even the simple rhymes. Last time I somehow rhymed rhino and dinosaur... Yeah, don’t ask... I quickly looked around the hallway to see if anyone was listening. Since I didn’t see or hear anyone I decided to give him a bit of the real Skylar. Laughs evilly inside her head! Mwahaha!

“It’s Skylar to you.” I spat rudely annoying the purely shocked expression on his face before it turned to anger. I heard a snicker behind me and froze. Not him again! Grr! I thought he was meant to be outside with the rest of his gang. “What do you want? If you came for your mighty leader then he’s free to go, I ain’t keeping him here.” I said not turning around because I already knew who was standing behind me. He was so close that I could feel his body heat and warm breath on my neck.

Close enough for you to quickly turn around and punch him in his family jewels... my subconscious sneered. And I must say, it was tempting, but I couldn’t do it since it was the time I slip into my ‘nerd mode’. Oh the joy... My eyes went wide with fear and I looked at Alejandro. Hot name by the way... Just saying, cough, cough, wink, wink.

Fear?! Bitch please!

Amen to that sister! I cheered on the annoying voice in my head.

Ahem! I heard that.

We’ve been through that already... It was seriously starting to get boring. I quickly turned around to face the one and only... Xavier Moreno!

“My best friend!” I exclaimed, the ‘nerd mode’ momentarily forgotten. He smirked and I turned back to Alex, which had an even confused look on his face. Aww, adorable! I cooed in my mind, at least thats what I thought until Xavier started choking on his breath and Alex just looked disgusted. “Whoopsie, must’ve said that out loud...” I trailed off. Shit! This is bad, I can’t behave like that anymore! “Ummm, anyways... I think I’ll go now” I said and quickly leaving a still choking Xavier and a very confused yet disgusted Alex next to my locker just as the bell went.

I was sitting in my living room watching the reruns of Friends, I love this show! Who wouldn’t? Rhetorical question. When I heard someone ring the doorbell, I ignored it in hopes that whoever it was would leave me alone. Finally the ringing ceased, about tie as well! It was seriously annoying. With a smile on my face, I reached for the remote to turn the volume down a bit. And then quickly threw it in the direction of the doorway only to hear it crash with what I assume was someone’s head. I turned my head with a satisfied smirk to see who had been the subject of my attack.

Perfect attack as well. I thought as a saw the bump forming on the head of... Oh, shit.

“Hi daddy!” I said with the sweetest smile I could muster.

“At least I know you know how to take care of yourself dorogaya (A/N: Russian for sweetheart) that throw was a good one.” said my father Oleg Belikov. He still has a strong Russian accent since he grew up in Russia and only moved to the US when my grandparents on my mother’s side requested that their first granddaughter will grow up in the states. So obviously, I was born in Russia and at the age of four I moved here. Let’s just say that my grandma Jane and grandpa Bob weren’t too happy about it. I know Russian, obviously and surprisingly I still have an accent. Not a strong one, unless I get angry. Oh, hell it gets so bad and I start talking in Russian. It can be hilarious unless you’re on the receiving end. Trust me, never piss off a Russian person... He was still rubbing his head when he came and sat down next to me on the couch, yeah, it was a good one.

"So, kak pozhivayesh’?” I asked him.

“Natria is coming here, she has something to take care of in the states and she will stay here for two months.” As soon as I heard that, I screeched in happiness and started jumping around the room. My face was split with a huge smile and I hugged the living light out of my father.



I’m using google translate so the translations might not be correct and it’s written phoneatically because I dobt that most of you know how to read Russian. aAnd for those who can... How the fudge do you do that!?

So this is chapter 5, I hope you enjoy and I'll try to make my chapters longer :)

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