Chapter Six

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A/N: Natria-  read with a russian accent, or just type into google translate and listen to how they pronounce it.
Anastazja and Aleksandra - type it into google translate and set the language to Polish and then listen to it.

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Skylar POV:

Natria is my cousin. Surprisingly, both of us, or should I say all three of us, were born on the same day, our mothers’ rooms were next to each other. I can only imagine what papa must’ve gone through, his sister in one room and his wife in the other.

“Wait, hang on a minute! Natria as in Natria Aleksandra?” Yes ladies and gentlemen I just asked my father which Natria is coming. Technically, there should be one Natria, right? Well, no. There are two Natrias, and guess what?! They are twins... Yes, it may be a bit weird to call twins the same name but it’s our family tradition. There is Natria Anastazja and Natria Aleksandra. Natria is a Russian name, but since they’re half Polish their middle names are Polish. I love both of them, sometimes people think we’re triplets with the way we behave and the way we look, the only exception is that I have blonde hair.

“Anastazja” he said, looking at me seriously. My eyes widened a fraction, Anastazja went missing five years ago, no one knows why. Well, I do, and so do her siblings. But no one else. I’m actually surprised that she decided to come back. I snorted on the inside, she was never actually away, at least not from her siblings in London. “They found her?” I asked him even though I already knew that if she didn’t want to be found then no one would ever find her. He looked at me dubiously.

“We both know full well that that would be impossible...” He voiced my thoughts. Obviously, she was like a second daughter to him.

Bog, I haven’t seen her in ages. I said my goodbyes to my dad and went upstairs to my room, I wonder when will she come.

Shit! I have to get her room ready! I slapped my hand on my forehead.

No shit Sherlock! You’re slow...

Hey! Not you again. I seriously didn’t need an internal conversation or rather argument going on in my head. Rolling my eyes I went to the room across the hallway. It even had her name on the door!

After about an hour, the room was cleaned, the sheets changed and everything looked the way it was meant to. I was just about to take a shower when my phone rang, I hurried to my room as I was only in my underwear, I reached the phone just as it stopped ringing and checked the number.

Unknown number.

I threw the phone on my bed and took clean clothes out of my closet when I heard my closet door close behind me. Ok that was weird, quickly taking the Bersa Thunder 9 I hid there for emergency purposes. The light switched on and my eyes fought to adjust to the new lighting, something flashed to my right then I heard some shuffling behind me, that someone wasn’t very careful. When I didn’t hear anything I turned around only to find an empty space. Confused I started to worry, I was one of the best in the world and only a few could outsmart me, suddenly I hear a silent “boo” in my ear. I quickly turned around to find myself face to face with none other than... Natria Anastazja. I grinned at her and rolled my eyes, only she would decide to say “hi” to me like that... And I didn’t mean the fact that she basically broke into my house, what I mean is that she was actually hanging upside down in the middle of my closet on a... rope? What the... She jumped down and hugged me with a huge grin on her face.

“Impressive” I said with a wink as she pulled away still grinning.

“Siema!” she greeted me in Polish. "Did you miss me?" I wanted to wipe that innocent smile off her face. She knows full well that I missed her. I wonder if she already saw papa...

"Nope, I didn't miss you at all" lies "actually my life has been so much better without you..." I finished and looked back at her. I saw something flash through her eyes but it was quickly gone. Oh well, it's probably nothing important. I winked at her "OBVIOUSLY I MISSED YOU! Idiotko! My life's been miserable without you!" I exclaimed. "Where have you been anyways? And man, you grew, are those real?" I asked her pointing to her boobs. She just rolled her eyes.

"Nomer odin, I won't tell you. Nomer dva, obviously I grew, its been two fucking years, kurwa." yup, she swears a lot too, especially when she's angry but thats what most of my family is like, mix in the polish genes and you have a ticking bomb. Ah, rodzina... (family in polish) "And nomer tri, yes they are real." she said rolling her eyes. What?! You can’t blame me!

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