Night 1

355 11 0

(Screen is black)

Optimus: Cassidy, not right now...

Cassidy: *ghosty voice* stop complaining and let me take over!

(Night starts with screen below)

(Note: the timer in this game is more similar to the FNAF timer than the one in FNAJ)

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(Note: the timer in this game is more similar to the FNAF timer than the one in FNAJ)

*the player is at the Alchemor*

*player turns on flashlight*

*Alchemor call system activated and starts ringing*

*player answers the call*

Caller: hello? Hello hello?

Player: hello?

Caller: oh, hello. You're Russell Clay, right?

Player/Russell: y-yes?

Caller: okay, my trackers sensed a high bolt in supernatural activity at your father's scrapyard. Is that where you are?

Russell: yes...?

Caller: and, do you have a flashlight?

Russell: yes...

Caller: okay. Look, I've been through this before with my friends. It's been 5 years, but I think I remember clearly what to do.

Russell: okay...

Caller: look, listen closely. For most of Team Prime...

Russell: wait...Team Prime?

Caller: yes, Team Prime. Like, Optimus, Bumblebee, Ratchet and them all?

Russell: okay?

Caller: yeah, it's them. For them, you just have to shine the light in their faces, but be careful with Optimus. If his eyes are brown, you need to hide, like, immediately.

Russell: will I know whether if his eyes are brown?!

Caller: you will see them glow, don't worry. Now, I told you that most of Team Prime needs to be flashed in the face, but Wheeljack is an exception.

Russell: who is Wheeljack?!

Caller: it doesn't matter, you'll know when you hear him run.

Russell: and that sounds like...?

Caller: quick footsteps. a pitter-patter sound.

Russell: okay...

Caller: okay, you have other Autobots with you, right?

Russell: on the team, yes...

Caller: okay...I'm pretty sure they're haunted too...

Russell: wait...haunted?!

Caller: yes. Team Prime have always had a child's soul inside their bodies, that's why they aren't themselves at night.

Russell: do you know this?!

Caller: I've been through this. Okay?

Russell: okay...

Caller: okay. Look, I don't know anything about the new Autobots, so you'll have to figure it all out yourself.

Russell: can't you give me at least one more thing?!

Caller: I'm sorry, I don't have anything more...

*call ends*

Russell: oh great...

(Game starts and it's almost a replica of FNAF 4, but you're not in a bedroom)

(It's like FNAF 2, you have to check the main entrance. To check it, you must take a risky peek under the door.)

(Autobots active: Bumblebee, Optimus, Arcee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack)


Five Nights at Jasper: Reborn (game script)Where stories live. Discover now