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Warnings: alcohol, self pity, cursing, and I have never been drunk so I don't know if I made her drunk enough lol, angst

Glimmer's POV:

5 missed calls 

Glimmer stared at the screen filled with guilt. Adora has left voicemails too, but Glimmer hadn't the heart to listen to them. She knew she was being a coward, running away from her past, but what could she do.

She'd much rather live in the present than in the past.

She turned on her phone and aimlessly scrolled through social media and read through old texts, and found herself at Catra's contact.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Catra's POV:

Catra's finger hovered over Scorpia's contact. 

What would I say, after not seeing her for so long, how do I apologize?

Catra collapsed onto her bed, still in last night's clothes, and turned off her phone

Why even bother, I don't know how to apologize to her. And anyways, why would she forgive me. I was so horrible to her. And I never put her before me, but she always was there for me, even when no one else was.

Her phone rang, dragging her from her thoughts.

Glimmer's name lit up the screen, illuminating the dark room.

She answered the call, eager to get away from her thoughts.

"Hey I'm coming over,"

Catra laughed, "Woah woah woah, first, that wasn't a question. Second, why my place?!"

"Cus, I don't wanna do laundry," Glimmer retorted.

Catra faked gasped, "And you're making me do it! There's no way I'm cleaning up, just step around the piles of clothes. I'm not cleaning up,"

"You don't have to clean up, you just have to have beer!"

Glimmer's POV:

Four beers in, and Glimmer had not gotten what she expected. This was her first time getting drunk. I mean, sure, she had drunk before, but with Adora's strict demeanor and Bow's anti-alcohol mood, she never really got wasted. She had expected drunk karaoke, laughing at everything, starting the night out in tight skirts and ending the night without them. But she was the exact same self conscious, anxious self. Just now, an oversharer.

"I miss my friends," Glimmer sighed.

Catra has apparently also be came an oversharer. Glimmer had never seen Catra put her guard down, and even now she was defensive.

"I miss my friends too. Well, if they would even consider me as their friend. Which I wouldn't blame them for," Catra took a sip of her beer. 

"I know how you feel, and it's shitty. I did some bad stuff to them, and I don't know if they'll ever forgive me, I put them in danger, and manipulated Scorpia, all because I was too stubborn," Glimmer admitted.

"It's just," she sighed. I didn't know that I pushed them all away, now I realize how much I needed them. And you know the worst thing is that both Scorpia and Entrapta gave me multiple chances, and every single time, I ruined it. And it's my fault. I just wish I knew how to make it right," She took another sip of her beer.

Glimmer chuckled,"Wow, you're way better than me, even if I could, I'd be too afraid to."

"If you do get the chance, do it. You're going to regret it in the future if you don't."

"You know you're drunk right, and apparently smarter than sober you?" 

Catra giggled.

Glimmer had gotten one thing right. They did laugh at everything.

Catra was snoring on her bed, dead asleep, but Glimmer couldn't sleep. Something was nagging at her. She checked her phone, but didn't acknowledge the time, or who she was about to call, she just entered in a number saved in her phone, an important one, since it had hearts next to the name.

"Why are you calling me so late? You better have a good explanation," Adora groaned through the phone.

"Sorry," Glimmer simply said.

"Glimmer?" Adora's voice softened, making Glimmer smile, not knowing why.

"I'm sorry, I'm...I just... I'm sorry," Glimmer sniffled.

"Glimmer, are you drunk?"

"I'm sorry" Glimmer was struggling to find the right words to say.

"I'll take that as a yes," Adora sighed. "Get some sleep and drink some water, okay? Good night,"

"No wait, I'm sorry, for all the pain I caused you and bow, for every time I didn't listen, and I'm sorry, for letting it go this far without apologizing. There are things I wish I never said or never did to you and bow. I wish I could change what I did, but I can't, so now I'm apologizing."

"Get some sleep Glimmer"

Adora's voice left the air, and was replaced by emptiness.

Glimmer, at the time, didn't notice the tears streaming down her face, or that she had type bow's number into her phone. 


                   im sory i let u down.i never sud have hurt u 2

               From: Bow

                   Glimmer? R u drunk? Ur up late, you need to sleep. You don't have to worry about us,

                    but thank you.

Glimmer read the text, barely taking it in. She closed her eyes, and somehow found her way to the bed. She didn't question it though, she never handled alcohol well. She took a deep breath, finally feeling that suffocating worry wash away, even if it was the just alcohol.

Oh god what have I done?!|She-ra reboot, Glimmer x Catra,(real life au)Where stories live. Discover now