Chapter 2-Meg

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       My sister is in trouble and I'm not. Very rare occasion. I feel sorry for her. Normally we are stuck in hell together, which provides dome entertainment, but not today.

       I'm on my way to the kitchen to refill my camelbak water bottle when I see Madi come around the corner.

       She looks tired. "Mom let you out early?" I say, surprised. She normally let's us out late if anything.

       "Yeah, David wanted to meet up," she says annoyed, "ya know  she wouldn't want to be late to "meet up" with him."

       I scrunch up my nose and say, "gross!" The thought of old people doing.... Stuff is disgusting.

        "I know, makes me want to puke!" She pretend gags at thought.

        "At least you got something out of it," I say optimism heavy in my voice, ".... getting out early of course."

       Madi laughs and shakes her head. "You have a dirty mind."

       "Must I remind you we are identical twins."

        "I'm going to take a shower then we can go Christmas shopping." She points at the calendar hanging on the wall, "check when the boys are coming home and where we are going Christmas day."

        Mother has a calendar with any dates and events we would need to know. My theory is that she does it so she doesn't have to talk to us, but she says its because she might forget otherwise.

        Alex (the oldest) is coming home on the 22nd and Nick on the 23. They always come home right before Christmas and leave soon after. They've never said it but it's so they can have minimum time with mom as possible.

        They have a pretty hard time being around mom since dad isn't around anymore. They're not used to it like Madi and I. They took his death even harder than us. Its the only time I'd seen Alex cry, he had always been the strongest, our rock. Mom cryed too for the first time in along time but it was just for show really. Just to play the part of a new, depressed, widow left to raise four kids on her own. It was sickening how sorry she made everyone feel for her. She was probably happy about it. Now there was no one to stop her from her kids.

        She wasn't raised in the best way either. By that I mean it was a lot shittier than mine. Her mom was truly abusive. From the stories I've heard from aunt Becky they would be hit and not feed them for days for not doing homework once. Madi and I have an easy life compared to theirs.

         Mom and Becky were put in foster care when they were 15 and 16. Grandmother was not proven so she didn't go to jail, just got her daughters taken away. Becky turned out good, went to collage, became a doctor, and raised a family she loved unconditionally.

        Our mom was haunted by memories she couldn't get past, she didn't care for her family the same and had a well paying job as a painter, but never went to collage. She masked the pain well, but people close could see the hurt.

        Madi walks out of her room and says, "ready to go?" I nod my head and we walk out to the garage. Our dad collected old cars and left us two 68 Camaro convertibles Twin cars for twin girls. Mine is white with a black with a white racing stripe and Madi's is opposite of mine. Alex and Nick were left cars too. We drive mine since Madi doesn't like to drive.


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