Chapter 1

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For the past 13 years it has always been, good job Boruto and good job Himewari, they had the life, they were given almost everything, their dad trained Boruto and were given anything that they asked for, but there was one problem. They have an older son that goes by the name of YN Uzumaki he wasn't known that much because well everyone ignored him. He had no chakra to work with at the moment and his parents didn't seem to pay much attention to him, there have been a couple of times that YN was left at the park while they went home and ate dinner, when YN got home, there was only a little bit left and so when they were all in bed, he ate his dinner and went into his room and silently cried as they always had fun, but he wasn't even allowed to have any fun at all, hell his brother gets to train more than him. Hanabi Hyuga, Hinatas younger sister, she acknowledges him and she actually spends time with him.

Hanabi "Whats wrong YN?"

YN "They ignore me and treat me like I'm nothing. I'm like a ghost to them. They give all of their attention to Boruto and Himewari."

Hanabi "No they don't."

YN "Yeah, they do, I have tried everything and they have ignored me since those two have been born, I try everything and it's not good enough."

YN then went inside and went into his room and closed the door. He gathered up all of his things and he heard someone coming up the stairs and they knocked on his door, so he hid everything under his bed and opened the door revealing it to be Hanabi. YN went to his bed and sat down.

YN "What is it?"

Hanabi "I want you to know that you still have me that cares about you."

She then started tickling YN and YN smiled and started laughing he fell back in his bed and she got on top of him and kept tickling him. When she stopped YN stopped laughing and she messed with his hair and said.

Hanabi "Alright YN get into bed, it's getting late."

YN gets into bed and closes his eyes as he falls asleep and Hanabi smiles at this and walks out of the room thinking YN was going to be there in the morning, but was she wrong.

YN waited about 2 hours after everyone went to bed and grabbed the bag of his things and he climbed out of his window and ran away from the village.

YN "They probably won't even know that I'm gone. Even if I die they won't know about it."

YN went far away from the village and when he knew that he got far enough away, he found a place to sleep which was in a cave. He laid down on his bag and closed his eyes.

Next morning

Hanabi woke up to go get YN, but there was a problem, he wasn't there. On his bed was a note telling Hanabi, that he couldn't take it anymore and that he was running away and that he loved her. She looked up and was pissed. She went down stairs as everyone was eating and slammed the note down on the table.

Hanabi "This is all your fault, both of you."

Hinata "What do you mean?"

Hanabi "YN is gone because of you."

Naruto "Who's YN?"

HanabI walked to the picture and grabbed it and it had YN in the background looking away as Boruto and Himewari were with their mom and dad having fun.

Hanabi "This child. He has been treated differently compared to your other son and daughter, he has been casted aside by you and now you don't even know a damn thing about him?"

They looked at the picture even closer and they got some memory of YN as he was their first born and the way he smiled was something that they remember, they then headed upstairs and got to his room and he was gone, but then something else happened, they saw some stuff that was written on his wall. Pain, loneliness, hatred, No love. It all repeated and Hinata looked at all of it and finally saw something written on the wall and it read that no one will miss me if I'm gone, good bye everyone, not that you'll even see this.

Hinata couldn't take it, she started crying. She dropped to the ground and grabbed something that YN left behind, it was a stuffed bear that was given to him at the age of 2. Naruto felt horrible about this and looked at his family and said.

Naruto "I'm going to go get him back here."

He ran out of the village to find YN.

With YN.

He wakes up and finds a creature looking at him, but it wasn't any rehular creature, it was the two tailed beast, Matatabi.

YN "Oh no."

End of chapter.

By the way that was the winner, and someone said for me to make Matatabi a female and make Matatabi, YN's girlfriend.

What do you think and who should she look like? 

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