Chapter 19

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Because I wanted to update

"Where do we want to go to diner" asked Collin as we were pulling out of the drive way.

Collin looked so different. He was dressed in casual blue jeans, white TShirt with a grey sweatshirt over it and black converse. I didn't kik the fact he put in black contacts. But I guess people would seem suspicious if they saw a guy with red eyes.

"I dont care where ever" I said smiling Collin grabbed my hand and intwined my hand with his. This seems so normal. We seem just like a family.

"I want pizza" Sophie said. She looked so cute in her purple tights and a black baby doll dress with sleeves over it, and black little boots.

"is pizza fine" Collin said looking at me

"yeah, I love pizza" I said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek

"ewwww, thats gross" Sophie said covering her eyes

Collin and I both laughed. I love my little family.

Collin pulled into to eddies pizza. I helped Sophie out of her car seat and out the car. Collin held the door for me and Sophie. The restaurant smelt so good. We sat at a booth.

"what kind of pizza do you want? Pepperoni, cheese sausage?" Collin asked looking at the menu

"I want pepper" Sophie said coloring her picture

"that's fine with me" I said smiling

"hi my names Tiffany, and ill be taking care of you can I get you something to drink" she said. She was blonde, middle-aged and pregnant.

" yes, I'll have a corona please" Collin said

"sir can I see your ID please" Tiffany said

Collin smiled and pulled out his ID Tiffany looked at the card then at Collin

"okay sir thank you, and for you miss"? She looking in my direction can I have a Coke please and a glass of lemon water" I said smiling Tiffany nodded her head and looked at Sophie

"and for you sweetie"

"can I have coke please" she said

"sure is that it" she said

" and also we know what we want can we have a large pepperoni pizza with a side of chicken tenders for a starter" he said handing her the menu

When Tiffany finished writing that she took the menu and before she walked away she said

" you have a beautiful family sir" she said smiling walking away

"yes I do" Collin said under our breath

"babe, dont forget when we go to the mall we need to get Sophie clothes, they only packed her a few pairs of pajamas and a few outfits, we also need to get her some winter stuff its getting really cold out" I said watching Sophie color in the dog.

"of course, love what ever you two want you can have" Collin said taking my hand and squeezing it.

"Audrina" I looked to my left and saw the one person I did not want to see.

My mother.

I quickly got up and picked up Sophie and put her next to Collin.

" stay here" I said as I walked towards her

" lets go outside" I said pushing the door and walking out. I rubbed my hands on my arms. It was getting cold.

"I've been wondering where you were. I've been worried sick" she scolded me

" Mom, leave me alone" I said glaring at her

"you are my daughter" she said moving closer causing me to take one step back

" psh now you acknowledge that? Mom I don't care I'm happy, I dont want to live with you. Your never home. You dont love me so dont pretend like you" I said calmly not wanting to make a scene

"Fine, do you love him, Audrina" she said looking ay me with those all so familiar eyes

" Yes mom" I said running my hand though my hair " I love him and his niece Sophie, she's staying with us his mother passed away and left his custody" I said

"since you love him so much, you should probably tell him your pregnant. Your tits looked just like mine when I was pregnant with you. They stuck straight out." She said and walked away

Pregnant? I thought was this possible? I thought I couldn't get pregnant. He he's a vampire. I did throw up a few times last week. I haven't had my period since I came hand touched my stomach and there was a little bump I haven't noticed before I took a deep breath and walked inside the pizza was already there.

"is everything okay" Collin said

"Yeah, she sends her wishes"I said still in shock

Collin stared at me for a while then nodded and went back to eating. Sophies face was a mess, I would have to take her to the restroom and get her cleaned up.

"Collin" I said

He looked up at me he had pizza sauce on his cheek.

I smiled

" would you love me no matter what" I said sipping my pop

" of course babe. What ever your mother said is a lie. I love you with all my heart and that would never change anything" he said so serious

I nodded my head and took a bite of my pizza.

Collin paid the bill and left a very generous tip.


After a few hours of shopping Sophie's wardrop was set mine and Collins were updated.

We were on our way home after ice cream

"Collin can we stop at Walgreens" I said shaking

"yeah sure no problem, is everything okay" he asked pulling in the parking lot

" I don't know" I said climbing out of the car

I walked into the store and to the family planning section.

I grabbed 3 pregnancy tests and walked towards the cashier

She looked at the test and then me. She shook her head

" I wish teenagers would learn" she said

I gave her a evil look paid for the damn test stuffed them in my purse and walked out

"what's wrong Collin said as I climbed in the car

" just wait till we get home" I said looking in the back of the car to a very tired Sophie.

The drive was just a few minuets

We pulled in the drive way

Collin said he'll get Sophie and the bags since its faster that way. I ran to the nearest restroom

I read the instructions and peed on all the sticks I waited for a few minuets

I started crying, and shaking I felt like I was going to throw up. This was the longest few minuets of my life. When I finally worked up the courage I stood up, took a deep breath and looked, and sure enough all three test were positive.

Knock knock

"are you okay" Collin asked threw the door

AN holy crap.

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