chapter 13

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I was so pissed and upset. I walked to my car and got into my car. I felt my phone vibrating it was my mom. To pissed off to deal with her I ignored the call. I was about to drive to Collins but I remembered I dont know where he lives and I think I'm a little bit messed up to be driving. I called Collin

"where are you" he answered on the first ring.

" I'm in front of jacks I was going to come home but I forgot where you lived and I dont think I'm capable of driving " I said trying to sound somewhat decent.

" ill be right there. Lock the doors. Its late out." He said in a serious tone.

"okay, babe. I'll see you in a few" I said and hung up.

I locked the doors. And waited. I turned on the radio. I flipped threw the stations and found a particular song that caught my attention:

"Oh, you're in my veins

And I cannot get you out

Oh, you're all I taste

At night inside of my mouth

Oh, you run away

'Cause I am not what you found

Oh, you're in my veins

And I cannot get you out

Everything will change

Nothing stays the same

Nobody here's perfect

Oh, but everyone's to blame

Oh, all that you rely on

And all that you can save

Will leave you in the morning

And find you in the day"

I felt my phone vibrate again thinking it was Collin I pushed answer and put it up to my ear.

" Hello Miss Audrina waiting for a Mr. Knight to come to her rescue" I said giggling

" Audrina Where are you?" The voice drained all the color from my face. It was my mother

"Audrina I know your there, Where are you" she repeated. I quickly hung up. In utter shock. I heard a tap at the window causing me to jump. I turned and it was only Collin I quickly unlocked the door and hopped to the passenger side.

"what's wrong. Darling? It looks like you've seen a ghost" he said smiling and starting the car"

" My mother called" I said looking out the window.

The sky was angry. It started to thunder and pour out.

Collin clasped my hand with his and kissed it as we drove


I made alot of changes. Its for the best. I'm sorry if you liked the old version.

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