Chapter 52: Found

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Skylar's POV

Cody and I gasp as the thumping down the stairs gets louder.  I hold onto him tighter as if he is my lifeline. He does the same, wrapping his reassuring arm around me as we await our fate. 

A figure emerges from the dark staircase, not get illuminated in the light. I can start to make out their figure... With nowhere to run or hide, I hold Cody tighter and am prepared for what's to come. 

"You've GOT to be kidding me!?" 

We hear a familiar voice say. We both whip our heads around in the direction and Cody holds onto my waist tightly as if to protect me. He loosens his grip once realizing who it was.

"Is this really the time for a passionate make out session! I hate to cockblock, but come on?" 


Hopping out of Cody's lap, I run over to her and engulf her in a hug. 

"W-what are you... how did you--" I stammer in disbelief. 

"Get here?" she finishes for me. She scowls at Cody, stating, "Well, long story short, never get a boyfriend to accomplish a best friend's job."

"What?" Cody asks, confused.

"You heard me," Chelsea holds me protectively. For the first time in a while, a chuckle escapes my lips. It feels good to have my best friend in my arms. "I called the police, which is something you should've done ages ago," her eyes narrow at Cody. 

Cody gets up meanwhile rolling his eyes. "I thought it would only make things worse. They are a notorious gang afterall with tons of police connections."

"You're forgetting that my uncle is the police chief. He's been on this gang's trail for years, hon." 

Cody comes to my side and wraps an arm around my waist. My insides feel all warm and fuzzy as I lean back into his tall figure. God, I missed him. 

"Gross," Chelsea puckers her lips in disgust, which makes me chuckle. "Let's go upstairs. Everyone is looking for you." 

 Still in disbelief, the three of us make our way upstairs. The place is crawling with police. 

"Found them," Chelsea announces. Immediately, police officers and others come rushing over to us. Once the whole room became aware of our presence, everything became a blur. The whole scene is overwhelming. Paramedics were checking us out and police were getting our statements. Soon enough, Cody and I were rushed to the hospital to be treated for our injuries. 

After getting poked, and prodded at for seemingly hours, the nurses have finished patching me up and have left me alone to rest. Now all alone, my heart aches being separated from Cody after we had just reunited.

I soon hear two sets of footsteps entering my hospital room and I look up, hoping for one of them to be Cody, but instead Chelsea walks into the room with someone unexpected. 

"Q-Quinn?" I stutter.

"Hey, Skylar..." he bashfully greets, his eyes trained on the floor. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I came to apologize. I should've let you in on our plan," he gestures to himself and Chelsea. "I hated that you were suffering and I was at least partially responsible, but I just needed to play along for a little while longer until I could give Chelsea the address. It could've been too dangerous otherwise." Chelsea nods in agreement. 

"I understand, Quinn. The important thing is that we all got out of this alive and it's over now. All is forgiven." I smile sadly.

 Quinn nods with a solemn expression on his face before exiting the room. Chelsea comes to sit on the edge of my bed. 

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