Candy Forest and the almighty GINGERBREAD MEN. And.. MoMo.

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Larry walked into the forest, he looked amazingly at the candy cane trees,  the chocolate rivers, but oddly, no gingerbread men..
A shuffle in the background caused the taco to stop, he spun around and saw a gingerbread man, it held a candy cane. More started to arrive behind it then - "HUBBA HUBBA EH EH ATTTAAAAACCCKKKK!!!"
The men charged at Larry as he pulled out the spear and started up the Santa Claus. One by one he stabbed the men and threw them into a chocolate lake.
The Santa Claus chomped away on the gingerbreads, leaving small crumbs. Larry spat furiously, sending some lettuce and tomatos flying in random directions.
A small meow echoed through the forest, the gingerbread men paused then ran screaming. A brownish tanish cat came into sight, her eyes sparkled with green. She laughed and looked at the taco.
"I'm Momo.. And I just saved your life." Momo smiled then focused on the Santa Claus that hopped around her paws.
"I'm Larry.. Im on my way to find the trashboard.. Can you help?" Larry smiled half-heartedly back.
Momo saw the smile and started to frown, "No, but I know a guy who has a map."
The little taco gasped. "Can you show me?"
"Yes, just follow me.." Momo lept to her paws smiling. The smile.. seemed weird to Larry... But he followed anyway..


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