I Seemed To Have Lost A Bit Of My Memory

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Summary: Cordy wakes up to find herself in the lab in Wolfram and Heart during an earthquake. She has some lost memory, but remembers all of her past in Sunnydale. Can the Scoobies restore her memory? Set in S4 of Buffy and S5 of Angel. Set sometime after "You're Welcome."

Cordelia Chase came into the Bronze, not knowing why she was there. She only knew that she had woken up in one of Wolfram and Heart's labs during an earthquake. All she had done was run out of there with nothing but a night gown on that hospitals gave you. She knew she looked under dressed, but it didn't matter. She was only here for one purpose. Find her friends.

When she started to feel like she couldn't do it, she sat on the floor under the stairs, arms wrapped around her legs, which she had hugged to her chest. She stayed like that for what felt like hours, rocking back and forth.

Xander, Willow, Anya, Tara, and Buffy were talking at their usual table.

"So, are we going to help with the slayage tonight?" Wills asked Buffy.

"Like we would really like to tag along?" Anya said.

"Why wouldn't we? It's Buffy. Unless you're thinking of what I know you're thinking about, which is not appropriate at this time," Xander said.

"I'd love to go," Tara said.

Buffy suddenly caught sight of someone she knew couldn't be here. A brunette. Last she heard, she was in LA as Vision Girl helping Angel. Now she was totally under dressed and looking like something terrible had happened to her.

"Buffy?" Willow questioned.

"Buff, where are you going?" Xander asked, as she got out of her chair.

"I'll see you guys later. I have something to take care of," she replied, as she walked away from her friends to see if that was Cordelia. And if so, see if she could help the former Queen C.

She slowly walked up and knelt in front of her.

"Cordelia?" she said. "Hey. What happened?" she gently asked, trying to think of what she should do.

Cordelia stopped rocking. She looked at her with eyes that shown she somehow had seen or lived through the worst. Speaking didn't feel right to her, but she had to say something. She tried her best to form her thoughts into words.

"Wolfram and Heart lab. Earthquake. Ran home. Memory loss."

She looked at the floor, hoping Buffy knew what she was trying to say.

The Slayer took a few minutes to piece it all together. All those phrases. Then she got it. The Seer had woken up in a lab in Wolfram and Heart during an earthquake. She lost who knows how much memory somewhere down the road, so she ran home all the way to Sunnydale.

"Let's go to college," she said, helping her up and grabbing her hand gently. So, together, they walked out of the Bronze.

A few minutes later, they walked into Buffy and Willow's dorm room, Buffy shutting the door. Buffy knew she should've probably taken Cordelia to her house, but she didn't want to try and explain Cordelia to her mom and Dawn if they found her.

"Make yourself at home."

She watched Cordelia sit on her bed gently, and then the blond sat by her.

"What do you remember?"

"The past. All of Sunnydale High. Helping in the fight. Every one of you. Cordettes. Harmony. Dating Xander. Breaking up for the last time. Graduation. Leaving town. Being a Seer. Dying. Then blanks."

After she had spoken, Buffy realized how bad it was. The girl didn't remember Angel and the crew. None of her life in LA. Only her past life and her visions killing her.

Willow and Xander walked in.

She looked at them.

"Cordy?" Xander said.

When she didn't look up, he realized something was wrong.

"Her memory again?" Willow asked.

"Yeah," Buffy replied. Then added, "At least she remembers us."

"Yeah. That's a plus," Xan said.

"Let me see if I can help," Willow said, walking up and kneeling in front of her and then taking her hands in hers, both of them staring into each other's eyes, as she worked her magic on the former Cordette leader.

A few minutes later, they let go.

"Thanks, Wills," she said with a smile. "I have my memory restored."

"You're welcome."

She stood up.

"You too, Buff. Thanks for helping me, as well."


She was half way to Xander, when she fell to the floor, vision in full swing. She gritted her teeth. The vision was painful. Just not like it used to be before she died. The pain was on the scale of maybe four or five. Ten being the worst.

"Vampires. An alley. After a girl. Must hurry."

She grabbed Buffy's arm.

"Come on. Let's go."

It was a dark night, as they entered an alley. Sure enough, there were three vampires closing in, cornering a girl.

"Hey. Pick on someone your own age," Buffy said.

"Run," Cordy told the girl, locking gazes with her.

The girl ran.

The two faced the vamps head on. It was natural for Buffy to do it, she knew. But Cordelia? It wasn't what Buffy was expecting.

As she watched her, Buffy realized what Cordelia was now. She was just like her. A vampire slayer. Cor realized that as well, as she fought them head on, staking them left and right alongside Buffy.

After they were done, they stared at each other. Cor raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah. I guess so," Buffy told her.

So, both Slayer walked side by side, as the revelation caught a hold of them. Cordelia Chase the Vampire Slayer.

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