Back To The Hellmouth

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Copyright@ April 7,2013



Copyright@ April 9,2013



This series is dedicated to all BTVS fans and Joss Whedon fans. Also, dedicated to Joss Whedon who created Buffy and Angel, which inspired me to write the sequel to BTVS and Angel.


I own nothing of Buffy and Angel that's already made up. I only own things that I turned around and things that never happened in the shows or books.


They say life sucks and then you die. They say the real world isn't all beautiful, flying colors. They even say that you should enjoy life to the fullest, because when you get out in the real world, it's going to hit you hard in the ass. All of that is true, because I have known it firsthand. My name is Cordelia Chase and I am a Vampire Slayer.

There was a time when I was happy as I could possibly be. I grew up to be the leader of the Cordettes in Sunnydale High. I was the leader, because I had made the group. My best friend, Harmony Kendell, was my second in command. The rest of the group was wannabes. Flock of sheep. I called Harm a sheep too, but she was still my best friend. Because I was a total bitch and high class since I was rich and popular, the student body called me different things. Most called me Queen C, bitch, and Queen B. The rest called me a drama queen, and others didn't call me anything at all. But not only was I the leader of the Cordettes, I was also the captain of the cheerleading squad. I was talented at everything I did, but one thing Harm and I agreed on was how to act. We did everything we possibly could to keep the geeks and losers in line. We made fun of them.

When sophomore year came around though, my life changed completely when I fell in love with one of the outcasts. Xander Lavelle Harris. We tried to deny our love, but after a while, we couldn't hold back anymore. And that's what led to the gropy kisses in broom closets.

After a while, we let our love be known to our friends. His friends were Willow Rosenburg and Buffy Anne Summers. Buffy wasn't just an outcast. She was also the Vampire Slayer. She was chosen. It was her destiny. But we were so much alike that we never saw eye to eye. I made her life harder than what it already was, but even after I knew what really existed and what she was, I didn't stop. She was an outcast, and I had a reputation as Queen C to uphold. Willow was an outcast and nerd. She loved learning, reading, and researching.

After a while longer, I lost everything. I went from rich and popular to poor and popular. My family lost everything, because they had decided not to pay their taxes anymore. And not long after I lost everything, I stood up to Harmony when she made fun of Xander. I still cared about him and I didn't want him hurt. He had saved my life the day before, so I had fallen in love with him again. After all, I had broken up with him on Valentine's Day for Harmony. But after she made fun of him, I had called her a sheep and walked away. I left my Cordettes for Xander and became part of the Scoobies. That's what Buffy, Willow, and Xander called their group.

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