The Iphone

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I sighed and leaned back in the hospital bed  it had been three of hours of playing uno and now Tony and Peter has left due to the visiting hours being over.

I groaned and stared up at the ceiling, I hate to admit it but I'm home sick.

I could go for some of moms tea right about now..

I would never admit it but I miss home.

I let out a long frustrated sigh and glance at the contraption on my bed side table.

Tony had called it an IPhone, and had explained that I could talk to him using it.

I reached over to it, wincing in discomfort as I did so.

The thin object was light, and lit up when I brought it close to my face.

I unlocked the contraption just as Tony had described how to do. 

After some swiping around like a mad woman I found the green icon with a text bubble on it.

Opening it I clicked on Peter's name and typed hi then hit send.

I waited anxiously as a the message said "read" and a bubble with dots came up.

Hi! was the reply.

Always enthusiastic, even over a message..

The little bubble popped up again.

The message popped up as How are you?

I rolled my eyes and began typing.

Peter I literally saw you less than an hour ago, there is no reason to ask how I am. But to answer your question I am fine.

I hit send and watched as he typed.

It never hurts to ask.

Another message pops up.

Unless of  course you aren't fine and are not able to text without feeling pain.

I smiled an let out a small laugh wincing as my ribs burned in pain.

Well if you make me laugh then I will be in pain.


Sorry..I'll stop.

I smiled sadly at his reply.

It's okay.

I leaned back in the bed and blinked rapidly, trying to clear the cloud of sleep.

After yawning for a good 20 seconds I decided to go to sleep.

I'm going to go to bed, goodnight.

I sent the message and locked the phone putting it back on the table.

I almost shift into my cat form before I remember I can't yet.

I silently curse my broken bones and burns.

I close my eyes and relax my tense body.

Darn I hate sleeping in human form.

I feel sleep start to take over and I succumb to it.

Wake me up when it's Saturday...

Hi! So it's been a while (duh) I'm sorry! I hope you can forgive me :(  Anyway I will update when I can, with a longer chapter...anyhow thanks for reading and sticking with me! Also special thanks to @DemriseC for being awesome!

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