Go back to sleep

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I was laying on the ground with a Wilfords coat over me. Where am I? I was confused for a second but then realize where I was and what happened. I have to get out of here. I stood up. The coat slipped off of me and the cold hit me. Godamnit it's cold. I picked up the coat and I put it on me. Did I cry myself to sleep. I look around the room. It was dark and I didn't saw anybody. I made my way to the door and try to open it. Locked. "Godamnit" I whispered. "What are you doing." Someone said. I froze. I heard someones footsteps behind me getting closer to me. I couldn't make myself to move. I was turned around to face the person that was here with me. When I was turn around I couldn't see much in the dark but then I realized it was captain Wilford. He's standing way to close for my comfort zone. "Did you really thought that I would leave the door unlocked?" I didn't answer. "Come on, let's go back to sleep." He wanted to grab my hand but I quickly moved. He look at me with his sleepy eyes. "Come on don't be like that." "Don't be like that?! You kidnapped me!" I yelled. But then my check started to hurt. I hissed. I forgot. I got hit. "I didn't kidnap you. I bought you." He said hurt. He put his hand on my cheek to check if it was okay. I just push it away. "Like that's any better." I said angry. "Why are you so mad?! What does it matter on what ship are you? You don't look like like you have any plans." I wanted to say something back but I realized he was right. "If they found out you're a woman it would be dangerous. But now you're here, mine and you're under my protection." I'm not his. I don't belong to anyone. This is the reason I run away from home. I felt my tears running down my checks. Wilford cup my face and started whipping my tears off. "Don't cry darling. Let's just go to bed and sleep." I pushed him away. "You think I will sleep in the same bed as you!" "Well you can sleep in the same bed as me or you can sleep with the rest of my crew but they won't be nice to you." So much talk about how I'm under his protection and now this! He reached his hand out for me. I hesitate but I took it. My tears were running down my checks while he let me to his bed. I lied down and turned my back to him. That was mistake. He lied down next to me and cuddled. More tears were in my eyes. He noticed and said. "It will be okay, just get some sleep."

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