I can't stay

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I woke up in the middle of the night with Wilfords hands around me. Of course. I got out of his grip and headed to the door.

I leaned on the edge of the ship. The sky was clear and I could see the stars and the moon. It's been so long since I saw the night sky. I took a deep breath. All of the sudden I felt two hands on my waist. "What are you doing up so late, darling?" Wilford asked me. "I didn't saw the sky in so long. Especially the night sky. I forgot how beautiful it is." Wilford put one of his hand under my chin and turned my head to him. "Not as beautiful as you." I took a few steps away from Wilford. "You think I forgive you?" Wilford looked at me like he didn't understand. "You think you can talk your way into my arms? Into my heart?!" I said mad. "Look, I know you're mad..." I didn't let him finish. "No! You don't know anything and that's the problem!" I yelled at him. "You trade me for a piece of jewelry and...and took my innocence!" I whispered the last part. Wilfords look turned from hurt to upset. "First of all I had to trade you. My crew was getting suspicious about me having feelings for you. I am a pirate Y/N and I have to keep my reputation. And second of all I didn't took your innocence, you willingly gave it to me. So that's on you." He said. Why did he said the last part so proud?! Wilford walked closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Look Y/N, I'm sorry for everything but it's over now. So let's stop fighting." He said and put both of his hands on my cheeks. I pushed him away. "You think I'm gonna stay here, on this ship with you! No way. I'm getting off of this ship as soon as I can." I said with confidence. "You are NOT leaving this ship! You're mine and ..." Once again I didn't let him finish. "Don't you FUCKING dare say that Wilford! I'm not yours anymore remember, you trade me so you lost all the rights to say such a thing!" I could see the realization in his face. "You can't keep me here Wilford and you know it." I said calmly. Wilford looked sad, hurt and mad at the same time. I feel bad for saying it like this. But I can't stay here. "Wilford, I'm sorry but it's gonna be better this way." I said as I took his hands into mine. "He looked at me in the eyes and whispered. "And I'm sorry for this." He then looked behind me. Before I could look back two pirates grabbed me by my arms and started dragging me away. "Lock her down." I gave Wilford a hurt look.

Once again I'm locked in a cell. How did I get here? I look around the cell I was locked in and then on my dress. I had to laugh a little bit. Well this looks familiar. The only difference is that this time I'm trying to run away from a man I love. Back then I had a chance of running away. But now I'm on this ship where I can't escape. Even if I get out of this cell I will be stuck on this ship. I looked down at my arms, at my bruises. Adam definitely left his mark on me. I touched one of them and hissed.

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