First Day of Kindergarten

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“I don’t wanna go!!!” You cried as your dad finished braiding you long blonde hair. “I hate school!”
Steve smirked, “You don’t hate school Darling.” He then helped you put on your backpack and tennis shoes.
“Yes I do!!!” you screamed back, tears flowing down your face as Steve picked you up and buckled you in the car. Once you arrived at the school, Steve walked you in and you hid behind his legs as the teacher greeted you. “Hello, are you (Y-n)?” 
You nodded. The teacher reached out her hand and led you into the room, where there were toys and crayons everywhere. You looked back at Steve you gave you a reassuring smile. After your day was over, that was all you talked about in the car. 


Being Tony’s daughter, you were filled with confidence as your Dad got you into the car. You were dressed in a white blouse and a blue skirt and black waistband, along with knee high socks and mary jane shoes. “Are you excited Sweet-Pea?” Tony asked smiling.
“YES! Can you go faster!”
“We will get there eventually Miss Stark.”
Once you got at the private school, you hopped out and quickly found Luna, Bruce Banner’s daughter. Tony saw that you would be fine on your own, so he started the car to leave. But he saw little brown pigtails running to the car. “DADDY! I changed my mind, I don’t wanna go to school today, I’ll come tomorrow.”  Tony just laughed.


Same thing happened with Bruce as with Tony, except you were a little scared in the car ride


“Can I please wear my leather jacket to school Mommy?” You pleaded for the thirteenth time. 
“I said no (Y-N), your jacket was really expensive and I don’t want you getting it dirty at all.”
Despite what your mom said, you shuffled around in your closet and grabbed you jacket. You shoved it in your backpack. But your Mom was smarter than you thought, “Give me your jacket (Y-N).”


“(Y-N)!” Thor called from the throne room, “It’s time to do your work!”
Since you were a Princess, Thor didn’t think it would be fair for you to go to a school in Asgard. So, he decided to you teach himself. Most of the time, you got distracted by your Uncle Loki, but eventually, you did what you needed to get done. 


Of course you wore your favorite fox socks to school on the first day. They were your lucky socks. Clint wanted you guys to leave for school at eight, but you were stalling by trying to decide what lunch box you wanted to bring along. Eventually your dad just picked out your things and got you into the car. You were 45 minutes late for school on the first day.


Loki definitely was not sending you to some school in Asgard, we was to protective you to do that. So he just let you stay at the palace, until Frigga told Loki you needed some sort of education other than Loki reading you books every night. So, one day, Loki sat you down in the library with a pile of math and english books. At first, you threw a fit about it, but then after Loki explained that you needed to learn, you did a page of math and one of English. “Can you read to me now?” you asked Loki, but instead he smiled down at you and handed you your favorite book, “Why don’t you read it to father this time?” 
“No, you read it better than me.” 
Loki smirked and set you on his lap, It was worth a shot he thought to himself as he started reading to you.


“GO AWAY!” You yelled from your room. 
“Doll, you need to go to school.” Bucky said leaning against your door. 
“I’m not going! And you can’t make me either!”
Bucky laughed and picked locked your door open. He went up behind you and threw you over his shoulder. 


“Hey Peter?” Aunt May asked. “Can you take your sister to school today, I have a business meeting in an hour.”
“Uh...will she throw a tantrum like she did for preschool?”
“She shouldn’t and you always seem to be able to calm her down so, have fun.”
You were quiet the entire time you were walking to school with Peter, he was holding your hand. But sure often, as soon as you got to school, you started crying and hugging Peter’s legs tightly, “Don’t go Peter, please to goooo!!” 
Peter sighed and kneeled down in front of you, “Hey, Parker, look at me.”
“What.” you asked, tears falling down your face, Peter wiped them away. 
“You are so smart and beautiful, you will be just fine, I promise.”
Peter’s smile, filled you with courage. You gave Peter a hug and ran into the school. Just then Flash rode his bike past laughing.


“Momma hurry! I can’t be late the first day!” you were already in the Stark elevator waiting for your Mom (You and Your mom were given a floor by Tony Stark)
“I’m coming Baby hold on.” Wanda grabbed her keys and closed the door to her room, “Are you nervous?” she asked you while you were in the Elevator. 
“Nope!” you smiled adorably. Your hair were in space buns and you were wearing a pair of overalls and a white long sleeve underneath.
Steve Rogers ended up in the elevator with them as well, “Looks like someone is off to school.”
You laughed at the super soldier, who smiled down at you. Steve was definitely your favorite of the Avengers, besides your Mom.


Since you’re school was so close to your home, you and your Dad only had to walk a block down the street. You skipped over the sidewalk cracks but avoided the puddles. “Daddy?” you asked looking up at Sam.
“Yes Sweetie?”
“I am a little scared.”
Sam smiled, “You’ll be alright, I promise, Kindergarten is easy.”


“So...why can’t I use my powers at school?” you asked Pietro again
“I told you Speedy, your powers would give you an unfair advantage.” he answered softly, while helping you tie your sketchers. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, lets say your playing freeze tag at during recess, if you used your powers, you would win every time.” He tried to explain, but you were still confused. “Why can’t I win?”
“There is nothing wrong with winning, but you would be making the other kids jealous for being to fast.”
“OHH I GET IT!” You said, “I shouldn’t use my powers because it will make people sad when I use them.”
“More or less, just promise Papa you won’t use them.”

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