Tantrums pt1

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Since Steve was raised in the old fashioned way, so were you. You normally knew better than to throw tantrums, especially in front of people. But you didn't get your nap this Saturday and your Dad had hoped it wouldn't make you cranky, sure often it did. Steve had to bring you along to a meeting with the Avengers, and you were definitely in a mood. Steve saw this and tried his hardest to make sure nothing upset you. But, when Steve told you to be quiet kindly during the meeting, you just started crying...loudly. Eventually, Steve grabbed you by the arm and yanked you out of the room and gave you a stern talking to in the hallway. You both came back in and you were as quiet as can be.


"I am not buying you that, you have enough toys as it is." Tony said to you. You were having a classical grocery store tantrum. All you wanted was another tea set. But Tony was trying to not spoil you as much as he wanted to. So when he said no, you went berserk. Pepper was also there, and started comforting you, but Tony told her to ignore you and that you stop soon. Which you did, once you realized Tony wasn't buying you a toy, you stopped crying.


"No." Bruce said sternly, as you plopped yourself onto the ground in tears. Your goal was to get into Bruce's lab, but were stopped at the door. Your Dad didn't want you getting into deadly chemicals, so he had a good reason to keep you out.
"LET ME IN!" You yelled as Bruce stood, glued to the floor
"Nope. Not a chance."


(Y-N) I said no!" Nat said, as you raided the fridge for a cookie. After you didn't listen, she came over to you and took it away. You screamed and struggled to grab another one, but Natasha gently pushed your hands down. "I said you have to wait till after dinner okay Baby, you can wait."
"NO I CAN'T!" You yelled, stomping your feet on the ground.


"NOOO!" you yelled as your father took away your doll. "Give Dolly back!"
Thor placed the doll on top of a shelf in his room and looked down at you,
"I told you that if you didn't clean up your toys, I would take your Dolly away until you do."
You weren't having it, "I demand you to give me back my Doll!" You said very seriously. Loki happened to walk past and heard her order Thor, he chuckled to himself.
"Well, your not getting it back, I'm sorry."
You then fell to the ground and started banging your fists. Thor then picked you up and set you in your room, "Pick up your things and you can get your doll back." You probably cried for a solid two hours, before you knew Thor wasn't kidding.


"(Y-N) come do your chores." Clint called while you were watching Tv and he was washing the dishes.
"I will later." you said, focusing on the TV. Clint sighed and went over to you. He grabbed the remote and turned off your show. "No, you will do them now."
You immediately started crying and begging for the remote back, but Clint was persistent. Eventually, you gave up and did all of your chores, while crying of course.


"I'm going to go play Father." you said leaving the dinner table. Loki stared at you plate, you had eaten everything except the three pieces of Broccoli.
"Uh, no your not, sit back down please and finish your plate."
You were surprised at first, Loki usually never made you finish your plate.
"I'm full." you said starting to leave again.
"(Y-N)." Loki said grabbing your arm gently. He then guided you back to the table, "Finish your plate then you may leave."
You kind of poked at the broccoli like it was some forein food. "I don't wanna." you said under your breath, pushing the plate away from you.
Loki looked back at you and pushed the plate back to where it was, "(Y-N) you may not leave this table until those are gone, and if you feed them to the cat, your in trouble."
Loki then got up from the table, as the servers took his plate. You started crying and kicking your seat. You sat in your chair all the way till your bedtime, until you started falling asleep. Loki smiled and brought you up to your bed. He knew you couldn't stay crying very long.


"It's time for bed Doll." Bucky said from the kitchen, "Go get your teeth brushed please." It was a simple request, one that Bucky had given you every night. But this particular night, you decided to test your Dad.
"No." you said from the living room. Bucky set down a plate and frowned, "Get in your bed please." he said a little more sternly.
"NO!" you yelled. Bucky came over to you, grabbed your hand and led you to your bedroom. You started crying when he laid you down and pulled the blankets overtop of you. "Goodnight Doll." he said turning off the light.
You ripped the blankets and chucked a teddy bear at your Dad screaming. Bucky turned the lights back on. "That's enough (Y-N), go to bed right now."
You saw the sudden change in your father's tone and laid back down to sleep.


"(Y-N) Parker did you color on the walls!" Peter yelled after coming out of his room. Aunt May was out, so he had to deal with you. "(Y-N)!"
You creeped out of your room and stood in the middle of the hallway, "Yes Peter?"
"Did you do this?" Peter asked you, rubbing his hand over the marker on the white walls. You nodded slowly, and Peter then picked you up and set you in the corner of the living room. "Five Minutes." Peter said.
You started whining and crying as soon as he left, "PETER!!" you yelled
You then tried to escape the corner, but each time, Peter would grab you and set you back in time out and restarting the timer. You and Peter battled for an entire hour until Aunt May came home. At this time, Peter was dragging you back into the living room. "Peter...do you need some help?"
"Nope, I got it." Peter said setting you down, finally you gave up and sat quietly for five full minutes.

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