Chapter 3

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"S-Sure, what's up?" I was surprised I stuttered, I don't stutter around Lia, at least not often. She seemed a bit nervous, which made me nervous.

She slowly leaned down and my eyes drifted shut, our lips met each other.

It felt like an explosion in my mouth, our lips were in sync as my eyes stayed closed. She slowly pushed me down on the couch, our lips not leaving each others. She bit my bottom lip, erupting a small moan from inside me, she smirked against my lips and slipped in her tongue.

I fought for dominance but god Lia was a lot more dominant than I was. This was something I would have never expected, she ran a hand through my dark hazel hair while my hands went behind her neck. She pulled my hair back in a tight but gentle pull and kissed my neck gently, I moaned softly then bit my lip.

Lia stopped and pulled away, bringing her hand with her. We were both panting a bit, I don't know what to think right now.

"I-I'm s-sorry.." Lia was always confident so I was a bit surprised she stuttered "I-I didn't mean too.." She backed off, letting me sit up.

"I-It's f-fine" to be honest, that caught me off guard and I hate to admit that I liked it. I didn't know that Lia had feelings for me, now I feel bad for throwing everything on her. I could feel my heart thumping and my breathing hitch in my throat, fuck I'm catching feelings for my best friend. Or maybe I had them for a while?

I'm pushed down again, Lia on top of me. I gasp slightly.

"A-Are you sure?" She stuttered a little. I nodded and look up at her, our eyes lock. She leaned down slowly then stopped as our lips were centimeters apart, she hesitated.

My breathing had increased drastically as I was getting more and more aroused. My heart was beating vigorously again, I closed the distance and we kissed again. I draped my arms over her broad shoulders, I was quite smaller than her so that gave Lexie an advantage.

She kissed me back after a second, this is not how I planned my night, not that I had a plan anyway but this isn't what I expected.

Wait.. What am I doing?!

I pull away from the kiss "I-I'm sorry.. I-I can't.." I stutter out, my heart disagrees with this decision but my mind is telling me to back off. Lexie gulps and gets off, I am overwhelmed  with guilt. I sit up and bite the inside of my lip, I can't believe I just kissed her and not once! Twice!

"Sorry Riley- Well- I-" she sighed, "I-I'm sorry.." My breathing hitched in my throat, I feel bad and my heart is telling me to just kiss her again. I know I shouldn't but I really want to, I feel like I need her.


I can't do that to her, she's dealt with me being her friend and I don't want to hurt her or break her because of my actions. We both look away from each other, I hope this doesn't effect our relationship...

A shaky sigh escaped me, I can't believe that happened. Its not that I didn't like it, I did enjoy it and that's what I'm confused about! Did I catch feelings? I don't even know anymore, she knows I'm gay and I knew she was bisexual.

She stays on her side of the couch and I stay on mine, the tension was so thick that you couldn't even cut it with a knife, you'd need a damn saw. We glanced over at each other at the same time, but we didn't look away. We stared into each other's eyes, hers were sparkling a bit from the TV screen, I would imagine mine were too. I couldn't help but crawl over and lay my head on her lap, I could feel my cheeks heat up.

Shit, I really am either catching feelings or I'm just embarrassed.

I don't know, either one. I heard a groan, the same groan from earlier. I froze and panicked, though I didn't move in case she was close. My breathing increased as I felt a hand go over my head, I gulped hard. I slowly turned my head and looked up, My head was on the woman's lap...

Oh... My... God...

I get up but she grabs me. I see Lia on the couch, watching me in shock and the woman, ghost, what ever she is! I breath heavily as I'm trapped against the wall, I'm terrified and I push against her. She growled lowly as to show I can't get away and that she was basically boss, I gulp and stop.

Lia got up and pulled me from the wall like it was nothing, I panic while I look around frantically.

She stopped me eventually, I looked up at Lia and it was the woman instead. She grabs my neck and showed terrifying fangs, she looked like penny wise from 'IT'

She was about to bite my face when I woke up with a jolt and I felt my face. I look around frantically again, trying to find out where I am and if I'm safe.

"Riley! Riley!" Lia got my attention after a little bit, she held my shoulders in place, stopping me in my tracks. I had tears in my eyes, Lexie pulled me into a hug.

"You started moving in your sleep, I didn't know what was happening.." She whispered in my ear, hoping the quiet would calm me down. I breathed heavily and cried in her arms. God I'm crying a lot tonight, New record.

"She was here..." I managed to sputter out after about an hour of crying, Lexie had managed to calm me down enough so I could speak. 

"The girl?" She proceeded to ask "No it was a magical fairy from Akaneiro. Yes it was her!" I return to my sarcastic self, I think it was just because I was scared or angry but I don't know for sure. Yet at least.

"Okay sorry, damn.. She isn't here anymore" I sighed as she talked, she watched my movements. I was scared that the woman would come back, I need to learn more about her, I need a name or something. I'll have to muster up the courage to do it whenever I see her again.

If I can even find it that is

I've never really had courage, It's just a part of me and I can't help it. I've tried for so long to find the courage that's been hidden inside but nothing...

It wasn't my intention for my sarcasm and anger a couple minutes before hand, it was hard for me to deal with this stuff. It was hard to deal with everything if I think about it.

As if my prayers were answered, I got a name whispered in my ear.


It made me jump at first obviously due to shock and fear. "Did you say something?" I looked over at Lia who was looking at the ground, she looked up at me "No why?" I huff a bit and grab my phone, Lia watched me and just by her face expression I could tell she was confused. I quickly type in google the name and my address, nothing, I try to think of something else that would've connected.

"You okay?" Lia asked, I looked over and nodded "Yeah I just swore I heard a name though.." I huff a bit, she tilted her head in response. I think about other things, ignoring Lia for now though she gets curious and looks over my shoulder.

"Who's jessica? Why are you searching her up?" Lia spoke, I can't tell if she was jealous or something else. "I'm just doing research" I chuckled, I don't plan on telling her about the ghosts name. I honestly think this person just wants help..

But why me? I'm not exactly the smartest person in the world, I'm basically a kid since I'm not 18 yet. Though I'm still confused on why she picked me, me out of all people.

"I should probably start heading home.. See ya Riley" Lia spoke, causing me to look up from my phone. I nod a bit, she smiled a bit and I returned my own, she headed for the door and left. I was alone now.

I sigh and look through the internet, I'm still confused as ever on what this person needed.

(Published: 3/17/2020)

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