4. The Deklaw Demon

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The Scoobies sat on the couch, still researching. Since it was now dark out, Spike was out and about, doing his thing. Whatever that was. He couldn't hurt or kill humans, after all. Only demons. His chip was still active. Anya and Xander were now helping, too.

Suddenly, Wills found something very helpful. "Found it!" she piped up, all excited. "It's a demon. It's bodyless. No body. It travels between worlds. It possesses people to do strange and unusual things. Anything it wants the person to do. It travels as black, gooey liquid."

"How do we kill it?" Dawn asked.

"One way is to kill the person it possesses."

"Not voting for that one," Xander said.

"Or either send it to another dimension or send it to the nearest dead body."

"I vote for the third option," Dawn announced.

Wills nodded in agreement and then looked at Tara for confirmation. Tara smiled at her in agreement.

Twenty minutes later, Willow and Tara stood outside the red circle, holding hands. A very demon-y possessed Cor stood in the circle, unable to leave it. There was an invisible shield keeping her from leaving the circle. Candles were lit all around the circle. The others stood back a distance, watching the witches work, their hands in each other's.

"I command thee

Send this demon back to thee

Back to its belonging world

To its own world

To a dimension far from here

Far from this world here!" Wills chanted loudly.

"We command thee," Tara chanted over and over softly, while Wills said her chant over and over again.

A dimension portal opened up and the demon was sucked into it and out of the Queen B. The Queen B fell to the floor onto her right side, as it was sucked into the portal. The portal disappeared. As soon as it did, Xander rushed over and knelt by her.


She opened her eyes and looked up at him.

They smiled at each other and he helped her up.

The Adventures Of Cordelia Chase and Xander Lavelle Harris vol.2: PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now