Victor's Adult Life

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           Victor is now 23 years old, he's been trying to find a wife to have a whole new family since his parents haved moved to California. It's been hard though, Victor was a sheet metal construction worker, burt he at least had one good friend there, Raymond McCoy. Ray was known for being a very friendly and laid back man who had a wife but no kids. Ray and Victor got along very well, especially since they both worked together at the same place. Victor, still living in New Hampshire, coudl not find a wife or even a girlfriend for the life of him. 

                                                                                        5 YEARS LATER

     Victor is now 28 years old and happily married to Veronica Justice. They now have two kids, Sebastian and Logan. They were twins. Ray and Victor were still friends even though it's been time since they've talked. Ray invites Victor over for dinner. Veronica and the kids couldn't go because the twins had the flu and Veronica had to take care of them.

        Once Victor gets to Ray's house, he sees the most beautiful woman he could swore he has ever seen; Tammy. She greets him very welcoming, but Victor internally falls apart when he hears Tammy say "Ray is my husband." He was heartbroken, and he felt like he wouldn't meet anyone as pretty and thoughtful as Tammy McCoy. 

       Soon after their chicken dinner, Ray is called to snowplow by a school. Victor had "YES, THIS IS MY CHANCE!" So, Ray had left Victor and Tammy alone, which I could say wasn't the best idea.. Victor just coudln't stop complementing her, she was everyhting he wanted, and couldn't give two flying shits about Ray anymore. Tammy had made the first move, and I'll leave it at there.

      Victor had drove himself home, feeling great after an affair with Ray's wife. "Hey honey, how was it?" "It was good, dinner was delicious, how are the kids feeling?" "Oh, they're still not too great, Sebastian seems very ill right now." Victor's phone rang and he noticed it was his so called best friend Ray. Ray was furious and Victor's stomach seemed like it was tied into a million knots. Victor walks outside, "Hey bro, what's up?" Victor calmly says to Ray. "For fuck's sake, Victor, don't hey bro what's up me, you know what you've done.." Ray says in a very angry tone. "Ray.. I have no clue what you're talking ab-" "VICTOR! Don't play stupid, you know what you've done, next time you fuck with my wife again, I'll slit your fucking throat and bury you alive." He hangs up.

      Victor had forgotten that he was on speaker, and Veronica was easedropping. "Victor... what the fuck?!" "What is it, hun?" Veronica breaks down into tears. "Wh-.. Why would you fo this to me? And Ray'; your supposed to be 'best friend', and our kids! I guess you don't even give a shit about your own family anymore, do you?" Veronica said while crying. Victor felt very guilty and very upset with himself. "Honey, listen, Tammy had started it first." "VICTOR! LISTEN TO ME! THIS ISN'T SOME 2ND GRADE 'SHE STARTED IT FIRST' BULLSHIT! IT'S SERIOUS!!" "Veronica, I'm sorry honey, please forg-" "No, I am not forgiving you..." Veronica walks away crying and wiping her tears. "Well I guess I should go die then like Raymond had said..." Vic yelled to his wife but didn't get a response. 

      "Mom?" Said Logan. Veronica turned her head to her son, and wiped her tears while putting on a sad smile. "Are you okay, mom?" "Yes, mama, is fine, I just want you to know that Mommy will always be here for you, and will loev you no matter what.." Veronica cried more. "What's happening with Dad?" Sebastian questioned. "I'll explain it to you both when you're older. She held her two sons close and quickly fell asleep.

      It was late and Victor thought that he should start heading to bed. He silently wished on a star to die. He looked behind him, and there was a book... It was the book that hsi grandparents have given him for his birthday. Victor opened it, he read out loud, "Victor Anthony Matthews. You have a secret brother, you have a lot of things that you don't know of just yet.. You have mind powers, and whatever you wish will come true." Victor's heart dropped, he didn't actually really want to die, he was terrified that he was going to die that night. He flipped to the next page. He saw a picture of a male with ginger hair in a ponytail and his left eye was a blue button while the other one was a kelly green. He was smiling, holding a doll that somewhat looked like him, but one thing that really shook him up was the smile, it was a stitched mouth, however the picture looked really old and it was burnt on the corners. Victor flipped to the next page, the page read "I know what you're thinking, I know it's true, you can't see it, but somebody dangerous is after you." Then the last page read "Vincent Matthews" and the book had ended. Victor thought nothing big of it and headed to bed. Eventually, gathering all these thoughts through his mind, he finally had fell asleep.


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