Prologue: Unto the fray!!!!

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Warhammer 40k and RWBY are all own by Games workshop and Roosterteeth. All images and videos are credited to their creators or artists. Please support the official release.
Mika, Mikazuki, Y/N, or Barbatos is your name, depending on the characters interact with you after all your a custodian literally having over thousands of names. "Astartes talking"
'Characters thoughts'

"I was there the day Horus slew the Emperor.....
I was there..."
Garviel Loken,
10th Company Captain,
XVI Legion, Luna Wolves

Darkness is all around us, in fact, it's been with us for as long as mankind has existed. However, when we face dark corridors or other dark places we can't help, but feel the sense of terror. This is instinctual of course, after all, mankind has survived thanks to its ingenuity, courage, and fortitude. Despite all of this, that feeling of fear has never really gone away, with good reason too, because whatever that lies in the dark can oftentimes be deadly. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the darkness is all this beast has ever known after all it was born in it, molded by it, made stronger by each passing day.

Indeed not only does it provide an abundance of energy which with it can grow bigger, smarter, as well as it brings it one step closer to Ascension or a new form. Do not be mistaken these gifts or goals make for fierce competition, especially when on its own brethren, but what truly makes them a threat to all mankind is simply a "wish". The beast does not know where this wish came from, all it knows is that it must be completed no matter the cost. Do not be mistaken for their inability to find the answer to this wish, it simply knows and that is enough. Despite this, like all life, it must thrive; unfortunately, their other beings that stand before it and its purpose.

The threat comes in many forms the most substantial danger comes in the form of higher beasts in the hierarchy. These higher beast are what in human terms call leaders each one battle-hardened beast. Too even obtain a small pack is a cause for celebration. Therefore it knows that fighting against a group of its brethren is tantamount to suicide if appropriate preparations are not in place. This is the most common threat considering the other one tends to come in groups of four, despite the fact there outnumbered, they're more dangerous.

Of course, they're dangerous to them but compared the threat they possess to it if anything it's negligible. Especially when they have the gall to enter its domain, after all, these prey never do find out how they die. This prey is especially fun to play with, their screams, their negative emotions are quite the delicacy for it. Despite not needing to eat or defecate for that matter, but once one of these beasts have a taste of it. It becomes an insatiable hunger for them, downright to the point that it becomes a necessity for it.

Many have fallen to its pincers as well to its stinger. None have shown to be its match in size nor in cleverness, after all, it has a bounty on, even if it does know it wouldn't even understand that its life is measured in money. As such, every brave team or lone prey has attempted to bring down the beast. Unfortunately, every single attempt has ended up in failure, but there was one that came close, it surprisingly left a dagger to embedded on one of its many eyes. The beast is a tenacious survivor and has learned well how to counter these prey more effectively while growing ever stronger. Perhaps in a few decades, it will achieve a new form or a few hundred years more perhaps it might even ascend.

Remnants Bulwark against the terror!!!!!! (RWBY × Warhammer 40k)Where stories live. Discover now