Chapter Three

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Hailey's POV

Being suspended from school just for a fight annoyed me, I was sticking up for myself and my best friend while Jeanette gets off scottfree; it wasn't fair. Mum picked me up from school once again she wasn't happy that she had to come out of work again.

"Hailey what am going to do with you, you are not a violent person. Your grounded, that means no going out to meet Drew; no going to meet Ellie, no meeting Katie and Lucy either, what's gotten into you; the last few weeks you've done nothing but get in trouble" mum frowned shaking her head as she drove me home.

"Jeanette was the one who started it all. Not me" I frowned close to tears, I wasn't going to cry; I wasn't a baby.

"That doesn't mean you can go around hitting someone. Hailey what's gotten into you?" Mum asked, I looked down, I was disappointed in myself too but I couldn't open up about the drugs; they weren't a major problem but I still used them occasionally, the last few days a lot often.

"Nothing mum, I'm fine. I'm sorry. Jeanette was bullying Katie and we both had gotten bullied by Jeanette for ages, and I finally decided that enough was enough. I'm sorry" I complained. Mum eventually dropped the subject although she was angry. She grounded me and sighed.

"Drew we need to talk please answer your phone" I phoned my boyfriend for the tenth time, I wanted to break up with him so I could be with Katie, my best friend and the only one who truely understands me. Before I knew it my phone began ringing, Drew finally was ringing my back.

"What's so urgent that you couldn't sit till later to call me?" drew asked as soon as I picked the phone up. I was surprised he hadn't asked why I wasn't in school. I bit my lip anxiously as I thought about what i was going to say to him.

"Drew I'm sorry, I have to put myself first for awhile. I'm sorry to do this over phone but I've been grounded. But we need to break up; it'll be best for the both of us" I explained Drew was upset I could tell but he understood; little did he know I didn't break up with him because it was best, I broke up with him because I had fallen for my best friend, I didn't even know I liked girl until now, well I always had my suspicions I was into them but never actually believed them.

"I should really work on my school work, especially for my tutor since I'm not at school for two weeks" I say to myself picking my laptop up and placing it on my bed, I logged in and opened the folder my tutor gave me. Maths was first, A-level maths (do Australia have A-levels or are they called something else?) the hardest subject I'm doing, also the subject I hate. I enjoyed drama, sociology and English which were the other three subjects I had chosen. I decided I needed to get a drink before I was to sit down and work

"I'm going to do work for my tutor. Just grabbing a drink before I start" I informed mum as I entered the kitchen.

"At least your not going to fall behind" mum smiled over to me, we didn't always argue, only if I got into trouble which never usually happens.

"I don't want to fall behind, the fight shouldn't have happened, I

"Hailey dinner!" Mum called from the kitchen, I didn't even realise I and been doing work for so long. I logged out of my laptop and made my way into the kitchen.

"Vegetable Stew my favourite" I beamed happily as I sat down at the table after washing my hands.

"Mum, I love you" I smiled as mum sat down opposite me.

"I love you to Hailey. How was school before you got suspended?" Mum asked.

"Katie and I kissed; she said she liked me for awhile. I felt like their was something between us so I said I'd break up with Drew so we can give it a try. Katie has always been my best friend and she makes me happy. I think she's the one mum" I admitted, sometimes mum being a psychiatrist helps, she knows how to get me to open up and it is what I needed at times. Their was a knock at the front door.

"I'll get it Mum" I smiled standing up after putting my knife and fork down, I went to the front door and opened it, a woman with brown hair stood their, she was wearing a prison officer uniform bit I didn't know her; I never met anyone mum works with.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"I've came to see Bridget, you must be her daughter Hailey" the woman smiled; I nodded.

"Come on in; we were just wearing dinner" I nodded stepping away and letting the woman in.

"Vera, what are you doing here?" Exclaimed mum, she looked confused.

"I wanted to see if you were okay, you left work early" Vera asked mum as I sat back down and finished my dinner.

"Yeah, about that; Hails' she got suspended from school for two weeks so I had to go and pick her up. I've grounded her" mum told the woman who she worked with.

"Sorry about that. I promise mum won't have to leave work again. I've learnt my lesson" I admitted, I didn't know what else to say, I knew mum loved her job and it made her happy to help others so me getting in trouble a lot then she can't help people as much as she would like. Mum and Vera spoke for a while, I went and did more of my school work, although it was a long day I knew I had to start behaving and that's what I was going to do.

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