Chapter Five

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Hailey's POV

I knew mum was going to be furious with me, one stupid mistake and now I've landed myself into prison, she was working today and I was with my dad, it was my day with him, he was drunk a lot but I never told mum, he told me not to but I can't keep having him hurt me, so that's when it happened. Well not technically when it happened. Let me tell you the story now...

It was a Thursday, my day with dad. I was in the kitchen making myself some lunch since dad was out with his mates, probably in some pub getting drunk like always. Whenever he got drunk he would come home, hurt me, the odd slap didn't bother me; well it did bother me but I could cope but a full on beating they were the worst, I had to cover up bruises from mum and lie if she found out about one of the million of bruise. So anyway I was in the kitchen when I heard my dad open the door, violently. He had got me on drugs too; I wasn't addicted but taking them made me forget the mess he put me in. I know I should say no but they help so it's not bad is it?. Mum knew I had taken drugs before; when I was with friends but he didn't know how bad dad had made me.

"Hailey!" He yelled, I could tell he was drunk, I was scared about what he was going to do, each time he seemed to far worse, the violent side of him seemed to get a lot worse too. I swallowed hard not turning around as I continued to make my lunch, Chicken, lettuce and cucumber sandwich, my favourite type of sandwich, I felt a presence behind me, worry built up in my stomach, I smelt the booze.

"Yes father" I asked quietly as I turned around and faced my father, I didn't know what I did wrong, i had done my school work, I have a tutor who comes round to help me with schoolwork, especially over holidays because I struggle with my work

"Your tutor phoned, you didn't let her in" dad lied, I knew it was a lie because my tutor called me early this morning to tell me she wouldn't be coming today, her daughter has been rushed into hospital.

"No dad, she had to be at the hospital with her daughter, she was rushed in" I defended myself. I felt a fist come into contact with my face, tears  threatened to spill but I wasn't going to let dad see that. I felt dad push me up against the counter top, his hands all over me; he had done that once before but never went further, he said he wanted to though but I couldn't tell anyone; I couldn't ask for help, Mum would blame herself if she found out she was letting me stay with someone who practically hates me.

"Dad your drunk, please stop" I swallowed hard, things were moving along much faster than I had wanted, dads hands rubbing up my leg towards my private parts and without even thinking I grabbed the knife I was using to cut the salad and swung my arm around, immediately regretting what I had done when I realised what I did do and knowing I would be in deep trouble now.

"I've got you now" laughed dad, something clicked inside me and I let him drop to the floor, his blood on my new dress. I grabbed the house phone and began phoning the police, I had to hand myself in, I couldn't get away with stabbing my dad.

"Hi I need the police and a ambulance" I admit anxiously before I crouched down, I had to try and save my dad; I couldn't go down for murder even if it was self defence., I had dads blood on my clothes, quickly I ran and changed, I threw my dress to one side and pulled on my black leggings; tank top and a black hoodie; I went back downstairs seeing dad laying on the floor so I rolled my sleeves up high and I knelt beside him.

"Do I pull the knife out?" I asked myself, I didn't have a clue; I wasn't able to put pressure on the wound if the knife stays in so I pull it out and quickly threw it to one side as I grabbed a kitchen towel and apply pressure, blood covering the towel and leaking onto my hands, at least my hoodie wouldn't get blood on this time.

"Your going down for life" laughed dad.

"You set me up. You were the one touching me up, you've hit me on countless of occasions and I still came to see you and stay my time with you. You don't even care. I hate you." I shouted while I continued applying pressure, the police only seconds after I shouted I hated him.

"What happened here young lady?" A police officer asked me while I looked up from my now unconscious father, I looked back down again before once again looking back up.

"I stabbed him" I admitted.

"He was touching me, I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't. I wasn't even thinking. I didn't know I had to leave the knife in, I pulled it out and more blood spurted out. He fell unconscious" I admitted.

"Can you tell us your name?" Asked the officer and I nodded.

"Hailey-Anne Grace Westfall, I'm 17" I told the two officers as paramedics entered and took over with the pressure.

"Hailey-Anne Westfall I'm arresting you for assault, and attempted murder, you do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be taken down and noted to be used in the court of law" the female officer handcuffed me and escorted me into the police car.

"I understand" was all I whispered. I knew I was going to be sent down and I would get life if he died, I wasn't feeling confident about him living and I knew this was a stupid mistake, I was stupid and this was one I couldn't forget even if I wanted to. I was taken down to the police station, gave my clothes for forensics, well they took them from my room where I had left my dress; luckily I didn't have to change again. I was questioned and told them everything; even about the abuse be put me through, that wasn't going to get me out of a attempted murder charge but I knew they would hopefully be able to do something if he makes it; if not then I'll be charged with murder or manslaughter, neither one being what I wanted.. I was put in a cell where I was to wait, I was going to be transferred to Wentworth correctional Facility where I was going to have to wait for my trial, Wentworth was where mum worked so she was going to find out sooner than I wanted that I had gotten myself into deep trouble and I was never going to be able to forget it.

One stupid mistake can change a life and I knew that now...

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