Chapter Two

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Haileys POv

A few weeks had passed since I got in trouble with the police for having drugs on me. I've been taking them occasionally, when I'm round dads or out with Ellie, Jacob and Drew, mum hadn't noticed although she knew that's why I was arrested. Mum was disappointed in me but she finally let that go and we are back to being as close as ever. Today was my day at school since it was a Tuesday, I hated school other than having my friends their; Katie and Lucy are both in my year.

"Hey Katie how are you feeling today?" I asked the brunette, she suffered from really bad mental health so I liked to check on her, obviously I check on Lucy too but Katie worries us both so I check on her more.

"Surprisingly I'm having a good day; not had one of these in a while" admitted Katie smiling leaning against her locker, a smile formed on my lips seeing my friend happy.

"That's great Kat" I smiled shoving my things into my locker.

"Hey look it's the nut job and her stupid baby friend" laughed one of the girls who bully us, she mostly started on Katie but then decided it would be 'funny' to start bullying me too; you'd think she knew words do hurt people just as much as physical violence does.

"Go away Jeanette" I decided to stand up to her today. Jeanette laughed at us.

"Your so funny" she laughed, I stepped forward as she contineued to taunt us and call us names; I shoved her at full force which wasn't the best move to make. Jeanette got to her feet and glared st me before swinging her ark to punch me; I stopped her and smirked, I had done karate when I was younger so it must have stuck with me.

"You think you can take on me; think again Bitch" Jeanette laughed grabbing my arm after I hand punched her, she twisted it while I stood their, little did she know I was just as strong with my left hand than I was with my right, as Jeanette continued twisting my arm I could feel the pain get worse, I hadn't heard a snap so I was sure it wasn't broken; as She twisted I punched her with my left arm making her let go of my arm and fall to the floor. Kneeling over her I smirked.

"You've put Katie and I through so much so I think it's about time you have a taste of your own medicine" I growled punching the other teenager.

"Fight, Fight, Fight" the group of kids around us chanted as we punched one another, flipping each other over, I was finally back kneeling over her as I punched her one more time before I was pulled off Jeanette with her blood from her nose on my hands.

"Hailey Westfall, go wash your hands and go straight to the heads office!" Demanded Mr Kent, the schools ICT (computers for those who doesn't know) teacher, I growled in annoyance storming to the girls bathroom before glancing back. Jeanette has a bloody nose what I probably had broken, Katie ran after me as I got to the bathroom.

"What happened back their Hails' why'd you punch her?" Katie asked confused with my behaviours

"She couldn't keep treating us like that. Listen Katie I won't have her bullying you, your my best friend; we've been friends since primary school and you've been through so much you don't deserve it." I reassured my best friend who looked over to me and smiled.

"Hailey-Anne Westfall what did I ever do to deserve you as my best friend" she smiled happily while I washed my hands. With my hands under the water Katie wrapped her arms around me,

"Thank you" she whispered in my ears before she pecked my cheek. The small kiss sent butterflies throughout my vains; something that didn't happen with Drew. I wasn't sure what that meant though, did she like me, like like me. Did I like like her, I was so confused.

"Hails' I like you, I mean I Like, Like you, I know we are best friends and have been for so long but I never through I could tell you about these feelings, I thought if you knew then you would hate me then I would have ruined our friendship and I didn't want that." Katie rambled on and without even thinking I cupped Katie's face with my wet hands and kissed her, I felt fireworks, happiness and I felt real love, I didn't feel those things with Drew, I thought I did but kissing Katie; my best friend made me think different.

"Wow" Katie exclaimed in shock.

"What does that mean for us, your still with drew, I can't do thag behind someone's back" worried Katie

"I'll break up with him Kat' your the one I belong with, your the one that makes me happy. It's you" I smiled to my best friend, Katie smiled widely until we both realised I had to go to the heads office.

"Hailey, be my girlfriend, please. When you've broken up with Drew" Katie asked with a smile.

"I will" a wide smile appeared on my face. All I had to do was text drew asking to meet him so I could break up with him I just hoped he understood.

"Hailey I am very disappointed in you. Fighting another student. I expect more of you" the schools head teacher frowned as I sat opposite him at his desk.

"I'm sorry Sit; I don't know what came over me. She was picking on Katie and I and then something snapped. I had to stick up for myself and my best friend, I'm my defence she was the one who started the fight" I tried to defend myself, I bit my lip as I awaited the decision on what was going to happen.

"I'm suspending you for two weeks, I've called your mum to come and pick you up; I expect you to think about what you've done on this time off" our head teacher warned and I nodded, at least they weren't going to call the cops; I already had on mark on my records I couldn't have another one, especially one as big as assault/actually bodily harm.

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