Chapter 6: Always a Victim

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When I woke up the next morning, I was a little confused where I was. I didn't recognize anything at first, but then my memory started coming back to me.

I'm in Mrs. Chou's house.

I remember everything that happened yesterday and I want to slap myself for bringing her into this. I didn't want her to even be involved, better yet know anything about my life. She doesn't know anything yet, but she'll figure it out soon. I needed to leave as soon as possible and then things can go back to normal.

I got up and suddenly realized that I slept pretty good for the first time in a while. I didn't wake up to my head pounding or any part of my body hurting. It felt good to actually get a good night sleep.

I walked out into the hall and down the stairs. I didn't know if Mrs. Chou was awake or not, but I know she wouldn't mind me looking through her kitchen. For the first time in a while, I'm actually hungry.

I walked into the kitchen and saw her standing in front of the stove, cooking. I watched her for a moment until I felt like a stalker, so I looked away before she saw me looking at her. I made my way to the table and sat down. She turned around and jumped a little. "Goodness, you scared me Sana," I smiled as she brought a plate to the table and sat it down. She looked at me, "Are you hungry?" I nodded and she smiled then went back to the stove.

I'm pretty sure I ate enough to fill me up for hours, because I was so full when I got done. I can't remember the last time I actually ate and had a stuffed tummy.

Mrs. Chou looked at me, "You sure were hungry," I watched as she kept looking at me and I nodded slightly. She got up to put the dishes away and I watched her. I couldn't help but become mesmerized by her. It's amazing how beautiful a woman can be.
She turned around and met my eyes, "So, does your parents know?" I gave her a confused look because I honestly didn't know what she was talking about. She slightly smiled, "About the bruises on your body, and those people chasing you," I didn't want to lie. She was my teacher for heaven sake! It's bad enough to have to lie to Hanbin all the time, but now I have to start lying to Mrs. Chou?

I sat there, thinking about what I could say. She kept staring at me, waiting for an answer. I couldn't lie to her. I just couldn't. I took a deep breath, "Actually-"

Her phone stared ringing and I watched as she picked it up and looked at it. She gave me a slight smile then walked out of the kitchen. I let out a breath and sat there. I seem to be saved from the most difficult times, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I want to tell Mrs. Chou everything, I really do. Hell, I even want to tell Matt, but I can't. I can't tell them anything about what I go through because it'll ruin my life.

If you want to know how it would ruin my life, think of this; I'm eighteen years old and I only live with my sister. My abusive sister. If anyone finds out that she abuses me and is on drugs, I'd be sent somewhere. I wouldn't be sent to a foster care because I'm over the age limit, but I'd still be sent to another home and I don't want that to happen. I'd rather stay with my sister, who abuses me, then have to go off and start over.

Mrs. Chou walked back in the kitchen and sat her phone down on the counter. I watched as she sighed then stood against the counter. It seems like every time she gets a phone call, she become distressed. I wonder if it's her husband.

After a minute, she looked over at me, "I'm sorry about that," I slightly nodded. She looked so stressed out and I hate how I can't do anything about it. I want to comfort her so bad, but knowing that I can't, hurts. "So, I was thinking that we call your parents to let them know where you are, then I could drop you off at your house,"


"Actually, I don't know the number," I lied. I hope she believed it because honestly, this was about to get so much worse, I could feel it.

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