Chapter 12: Time

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The next day was like any other day, but it wasn't because Mrs. Chou no longer wants anything to do with me and it broke my heart. I never imagined myself being broken hearted by my teacher.

Yoona left last night and I haven't seen her this morning neither. I don't know where she is, but hopefully she stays gone for a few days. I can't handle her at the same time of my depression.

I talked to the principal to lie about having Hanbin 's mom pick me up, but the lie backfired because he called her. But the good news is she actually agreed with it and I was shocked. I didn't really think she'd do that because I was just trying to lie so another teacher wouldn't take me home.

If anyone is taking me home, or picking me up for school, it's Mrs. Chou.

"My mom said that we were going out to eat tonight and she wanted to know if you want to come," Hanbin watched me as I took a bite of my sandwich, which he brought me again.

I nodded and he smiled. I couldn't ask for a better best friend, he literally is the best. I haven't always been good with finding friends, but somehow he just came into my life and I'm thankful.

I haven't been out to a restaurant in forever and I was looking forward to it. I was probably still young and my parents were still together the last time I went, but I couldn't remember hardly anything about it.

"I can come get you tonight or you can just grab some clothes from your house this afternoon. My dad is suppose to come with us, since he's getting off from work," I nodded as he ate. I couldn't wait to meet his dad, because is mom is the best and I know his dad will be too.

Lunch ended and it was my next class. I was pretty happy that I finally brought my grades up to a decent percent because I couldn't handle failing, it was a terrible feeling.

I never had a problem with failing because I was always on top of everything, and did the best I could. But I guess after my mom died and Yoona was in charge of me, I couldn't find time to study because she would always make it hard for me to.

The class passed by fairly quick and my next few classes did too. Art class was next and I felt myself become depressed again. I can't seem to shake the thought of Mrs. Chou from my mind and it hurts.

I never meant to fall for her. I never meant to adore her so much that it was physically and emotionally kill me. She was just another teacher who started my tenth grade year and I thought nothing of her the few few weeks. I didn't stare at her during class, or dream about her. I didn't imagine us together in any shape of form whatsoever.

She was just another teacher at the start.

That was until one day I came into class early to sit and talk to her about my grade. My grades were slipping in that class and I wanted to talk to her about it and try to figure out a way to bring them back up.
As we were talking, I couldn't help notice her wedding ring. She caught me staring at it then immediately called me out on it then started talking about her marriage and how happy she was. She explained all these things that they did together and I watched her as I started realizing something.

I found her attractive.

After all the weeks that she was my teacher, I never thought of her in any way but a teacher. But for some reason as she was talking about her love life, I started feeling something and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

After that day, I found out that my feelings weren't just a in the moment thing. I started thinking about Mrs. Chou more and more everyday and night, and it was genuinely scaring the shit out of me.

I never had a crush on anyone who I couldn't have, and I knew that it was risky to be feeling this way towards my teacher.

But, instead of ignoring it like a sane person, I embraced it and admired her everyday for the last two years.

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